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When they got back to the bunker, Scott helped Mitch do research on Aamon. Mitch sighed as he looked up at Scott, "How long has it been since you let him in?" He asked softly. Scott sighed, "A few years, I think. I blacked out the whole time, I can't remember a thing." He said softly.

Mitch nodded as Kirstie and the others walked in behind him. "I remember hunting with my uncle, we split up because he wanted me to get this couple out of the woods. I heard this scream and went back for him, that's when I saw the light and ever since I've been replaying my favorite memories." Scott mumbled as he thought back. "Who was the demon? The one that killed your parents." Kirstie asked as she stood beside Mitch with the others.

Scott looked down sadly, "Aamon." He mumbled softly. "I'm so sorry, Scott." Kevin said kindly, but Scott just shook his head. "There's no point in crying about it. I just want to end this son of a bitch." Scott said softly as he continued to look through the book he was reading. "Scott, we will find Aamon and our mother, and we'll help you get things figured out." Mitch promised in a kind voice.

Scott nodded, "What do you think happened to him? The angel that was possessing me?" He asked. "You don't know?" Avi asked. "I know he's gone, but not where." Scott shrugged. "We'll figure that out too. We've just got a lot on our plate right now." Kevin assured. Scott nodded, "Thank you." He smiled.

Guardian 2: Fallen *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now