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Avi and Kevin walked into the building laughing with each other until they saw Scott sitting on the table as Mitch wrapped his hand up. "What happened here? Can't he just heal himself? I mean, we all put a few rounds in his chest." Avi chuckled. "Avi, shut. Up." Kirstie whispered as Scott looked shocked. "You shot me?" He asked in shock. "Technically we were shooting at the angel possessing you." Mitch shrugged as he finished wrapping Scott's hand.

"Wait, what?" Avi asked. "Scott was being possessed by an angel. That angel is no longer in him." Kirstie explained. "What about your mom?" Kevin asked. Mitch sighed, "Nothing." He mumbled. Scott frowned at him, "I did promise I would help you find your mom." He said kindly. "No you didn't. An angel did, and look where he is now." Mitch sighed. "Mitch, I'm still a hunter, I can help you." Scott assured. Mitch sighed and looked at the taller boy, "Fine." He mumbled. Scott stood up, "I'm just here to help. When we're done, I'll leave." He offered. "Deal. Let's see how good you are." Mitch nodded. "I know how to hunt." Scott argued. "We'll see." Mitch shrugged.

Scott rolled his eyes as he watched Mitch load a gun after they took a trip to the firing range. "You're kidding." He scoffed. "What? If you're going to have my back, I need to know you-" Mitch began before Scott took the gun and shot the gun, hitting the head and heart only until the clip was empty. The others were a few feet away watching with smirks.

Scott put the gun down when the clip was out. "As I said, I know how to hunt." He said before he walked away. "I'll meet you at the car!" Scott called as he grabbed his jacket and left as they all watched him. "He's my soulmate." Kirstie laughed before she walked away too. Kevin smiled and patted Mitch's shoulder before the three went the same direction as Scott and Kirstie went.

Scott sat in the back with Kirstie and Avi as she asked him thousands of questions. "How long have you been hunting?" She asked. Scott sighed, "Since I was ten. I lived with my uncle after my parents got killed by a demon." He said softly. "I'm sorry." Kirstie said softly. "It's fine." Scott said kindly before he fell silent, looking out the window.

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