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Scott sat in the bunker once again as he continued to read the history of Amon and where to find him. Mitch was out getting food with Kevin while Kirstie and Avi went out to do some target practice. Scott sighed as looked through the books as he ate some pasta he found the the refrigerator.

"I see they don't even let their pet go outdoors." A man's voice rang through the silence, taking Scott by surprise before he quickly grabbed a demon blade. "Who are you?" Scott asked as he stood and watched the man. "I'm Ezekiel." The man smiled. "The- the angel?" Scott asked. The man nodded, "I'm just here to talk." He said softly. "About what?" Scott asked as he slowly put the blade down on the table. "The angel that was possessing you, where is he?" Ezekiel asked. "Gone." Scott said, backing up a little when the man walked towards him.

"I need a location." Ezekiel sighed. "I don't know where he went, okay? He just left. I have nothing to do with your stupid angel mission." Scott argued. "Actually, you do. If Scott can't possess you, nothing good will happen. Him possessing you is an important moment that needs to happen. We even made sure your names matched." The man smiled. "No way. I have been dragged all over the earth, stabbed and tortured, and nearly killed multiple times. I am not going through that again!" Scott argued.

"As I said, it needs to happen. So, here's the deal. If you don't let Scott possess you again, we'll make sure that boy, Mitch I believe it was, we'll make sure he goes to the pit after a very uneventful, bloody death." Ezekiel offered. "You wouldn't do that." Scott argued. "That angel is the only one that can help them find his mother, who is another key player. If you refuse us, we'll kill you and find a new vessel for Scott to possess and tell them you just ran away." Ezekiel shrugged with a smirk playing on his lips.

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