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Mitch stayed in his room for most of the day. The next day he apologized to the others and prayed for Scott to come, but Scott didn't show.  So he tried to pray for him the next day, but he still didn't come. And the next day, no change. For weeks he prayed and still got no answer.

About a month later, Mitch and Kirstie were waiting at an old bunker their mom once took them to while Avi and Kevin were out on a hunt. As they read through several books, Scott appeared, bloody and weak. "Oh my god." Kirstie said as they watched him collapse before they could get to him.

"Help me get him to my room." Mitch said as he grabbed one of Scott's wrists. Kirstie gently grabbed his other wrist and they both dragged him through the halls. It was pretty easy because angels have no need to eat, so Scott shouldn't weigh that much.

Once they got him on the bed in Mitch's room they took a break, catching their breath. "What the hell happened to him?" Kirstie asked aloud. "I know, he looks like shit." Mitch sighed, looking over Scott. "Let's just let him rest until Avi and Kevin get back." Kirstie nodded before Scott shot up.

"Where am I? What's going on?" Scott asked as he quickly got off the bed and ran to a corner that Mitch and Kirstie weren't near. "Scott, calm down. It's us." Kirstie said calmly. "Us? Who's us? How do you know my name?" Scott asked fearfully, showing clearly that he was getting dizzy. "Okay, just calm down. Just take a seat." Kirstie said as she slowly walked towards him, helping the blonde sit on the bed. "What's the last thing you remember?" Mitch asked. "You won't believe me." The blonde said weakly. "Try us." Kirstie smiled.

"I was in the woods with my dad, we were hunting this- anyways, there was this massive light coming from nowhere. I knew it couldn't have been the sun, it was around midnight. And it- listen, I am not crazy." Scott began, looking them in the eyes. "It's okay, just tell us what you saw." Kirstie said softly. "It was this bright, white light. I thought I got shot or something, but then he spoke to me. He said he needed my help, needed me." Scott explained. "What do mean? Needed you for what?" Mitch asked. "My body. He said he needed my body and would only use it if I agreed. After I said yes it sort of all went dark. I mean, I know things I didn't know before and I remember seeing things and doing things when I couldn't even control my body." Scott said as he started getting lost in thought.

Mitch looked to Kirstie, "Scott did say angels possess bodies, maybe he asked permission first?" He said softly. "Scott, you said you and your dad were hunting? Hunting what?" Kirstie asked. Scott shook his head, "Like I said, you won't believe me." He said softly. "Please?" Mitch asked. "A werewolf." Scott said after a moment.

Kirstie looked at Mitch with a shocked expression, turning that expression to Scott. "You're a hunter too?" She asked in shock. Scott nodded, "You guys too?" He asked in shock. Mitch nodded, "There's two more of us. We'll introduce you if you want." He offered. Scott nodded, "Yeah, that'd be great. But, can we do something first?" He asked kindly. "Sure. What's up?" Mitch asked. "I haven't eaten in months." Scott smiled shyly. "I'll text Avi." Kirstie said as she grabbed her phone.

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