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Mitch and Scott stayed in the car as the others went to a friend to get more weapons and ammunition. "So, do you remember any of it yet?" Mitch asked softly. Scott shrugged, "I keep trying to. I remember seeing the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, but a lot of it was like there was a blind fold over my eyes." He said softly as Mitch looked at him. "Do you think you'll let him back in if he asks?" Mitch asked kindly.

Scott sighed and looked down, "A few months before the angel asked permission for me to be his vessel, I did some pretty awful things. I hurt countless people thinking it would help a majority, I got my best friend killed when all he wanted was to go back because we weren't prepared, I only thought about myself being hurt or scared. But when I let him in, I saw him heal and save people. I could never do something like that. Put someone else before me when I'd be looking death in the eyes." He mumbled.

"Scott, that isn't an awful thing." Mitch assured. Scott shook his head, "I was a horrible human before him. Now I just- I don't know, I feel like with him I can be better." He shrugged. Mitch nodded and watched the darkness surrounding them, "Accidents happen, Scott." He said kindly. Scott shook his head, "I knew what the consequences would be, Mitch. And I still did them." He said sadly. Mitch just looked at him sympathetically without saying a word. "I was better as a vessel than I will ever be as a human." Scott mumbled.

Guardian 2: Fallen *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now