Just another lover

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~The next morning~ I woke up to Carl shaking me lightly. "Hey, come on. Get up. It's about 3:30." Carl said. I shoot up. "oh shit. did I really sleep in that late?" I said. "Oh. you must think I meant 3:30 pm." He said scratching the back of his head. "Really Carl!" I said laying back down. "Haha. I'm sorry. it's just.... well. I couldn't sleep so...." He said. "Well what do you wanna do?" I asked, fully awake now. "Well.... I don't know." he said laying on the bed next to me. I scooted over so he could have more room. And it was slightly weird. "I really just wanna lay here and talk to you." Carl said looking over at me. I stared into he big beautiful blue eyes. I could get lost in them. "That kiss. The one you gave me last night. What was that?" I asked. He sighed and said," Well, from the first day you got here, I saw how beautiful you were. I liked you from then just because of your beauty. But once I got to hang with you and got to know you better, I fell in love with you. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you every day because I knew I would never be able to say what I'm saying now because of Joshua." he said and got closer. He was on his side and I was on my back. I rolled over on my side to face him. "You love me?" I said. Now we were inches away from each other's faces. "Ya." he said shyly. "Carl. I-" I was cut off by his lips against mine. We pulled away. A small smile crept upon my face. "Carl?" "ya?" I paused. "Hmmmm?" he hummed in question waiting for me to tell him. A playful smile crept onto my face. "Come on." he said playfully nudging me. "I-I love you too." I said combing through his tangled hair. He chuckled as I found a knot in his hair and tried desperately to untangle it. "Hold on." I said and got up. I went through my bag looking for my brush. Once I found it I turned to face Carl. I smiled a little when he sat up. "Take off your hat." I told him. He took it off as I sat behind him. I grinned when a thought popped into my head. I still put on make-up even though the undead are walking around. Its a habit really. I'm so used to putting it on in the morning. anyway, I thought I could put make-upon him and put his hair up in weird ways when he sleeps. then the next morning he can walk into the cafeteria looking extremely cute and funny. I giggled as Carl leaned back onto me. Pushing me back toward the wall. He rested his head on my lap. "Megan?" "hmmmm?" "will you go out with me?" "Carl. I just broke up with Joshua. I need time. That doesn't mean that it won't happen. it just means not now." I said sadly. If it wasn't for Joshua, I would say yes. I manage to get Carl off of me and walked over to my bag. I got out my iPod and put in my ear buds. I gave one to Carl as I set down again. Carl put his head back on my lap.i played just another lover by common kings. It's a good song to calm down to. I watched as Carl drifted to sleep. Soon after I fell asleep forgetting about my planes to give Carl a make-over.

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