Claimed #1

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>Megan's POV<

I woke up to the sun shining it the window. I felt a pair of strong armes around my waist. I smiled and turned over to face Carl. "Carl?" I whispered lightly and poked his cheek. He moaned out of exhaustion which made me giggle. "Good morning beautiful." He said kissing my nose. I giggled again and buried my face in the crook of his neck. "We should get up." I mumbled. "I don't want to though." Carl groaned rolling over. I chuckled and got up to get ready for the day. "Don't look." I told Carl as I grabbed the hem of my shirt. Carl huffed and buried his face into the pillow. I pulled my shirt and pants off then grabbed my undershirt. I slipped it on along with my sweater and skinny jeans. I walked to the other bed room and got a pair of black socks that had skulls and crossbones on them. They were weird looking but they were better than nothing. I walked back to the room Carl and I stayed in and put on my new boots. "Ok Carl, let's go." I said standing up. When he didn't respond or get up I got kinda worried. "C-Carl?" I stammered and walked over to his side of the bed. I saw him smile a little and quickly try to hide it. I pushed him in his back to straddle him. When I did he squirmed a little which made it way easier to do What I wanted "Oh Carl!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "What the hell?!" I heard someone yell and start running up the stairs. Carl got up quickly and put on his shoes. He glared at me which made me bust put laughing. Michoone swung open the door to reveal a fully dressed Carl and me. "Again. What the hell?" Michoone said. I started laughing again and walked past her. Carl followed soon after. He grabbed me and pulled me into a side room. "Really?" He said. "Really," I smiled and walked away. I walked into the kitchen and saw Rick looking around. "Mornin'," I said walking to the cabinet. I got out four bowls and poured cereal into them. I handed Rick a bowl and started to walk out but stopped. I turned to face Rick and siad, "I was thinking that maybe afyer breakfast, me, carl, and michoone shoupd go look for some food and suplies." He nodded and walked past me. I sat the other bowls down on the table and was Ted for every one to get in here. Michoone sat at the end and Carl sat across from me, on the other side of the table. We sat there and ate until Michoone said she wished we had soy milk. I agreed but Carl didn't and started telling us a story of how one of his friends in third grade got him to try some and he almost threw up. We were laughing and actually having a good time. "I would rather have powdered milk than that stuff!" He said laughing. "I would rather have Judiths for- " we all stopped laughing and looked down. "I'm going to go finish my book. I only have a few chapters." Carl mumbled and walked out of the room. I got up and followed Carl. "Carl." I said trying to stop him but he kept going. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. "Carl.....I'm.....I'm sorry know." I said looking into his eyes that I always seem to lost in. "It's alright. We should get going." H said. I nodded and went to get Michoone. "We will be back by noon." I said waving to Rick. "I think you should stay." Michoone said stopping me from walk off the porch. "Why? What if when your looking for stuff you get in trouble." I argued. "I've got Carl and he has me. We'll be fine." She gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded and walked into the house with Rick. "I'm going upstairs. Holler if you need anything." He said patting me on the head. I sighed and walked upstairs to the little pink room. I looked in the closet and found a really cute crop top that has quarter sleeves and the number seven on the front. My lucky number. I took and looked through it. I found several other cute shirts and pulled them out as well. I went over to the dresser and pulled out some skinny jeans and other things I might need clothing wise. I looked around for a backpack but couldn't find one in the room so I went to the boys room and looked. I found a black one that had the fox logo on it. I grabbed it and looked through the boys closet for some new close to get for Carl. I found a lot of flannel, American Eagle, and Abercrombie and Finch shirts and jeans. I put those in my new bag and went to the other room to get the things that I got. When I was done with that, I went to the bathroom and Goth the hair brush and brushed out my hair then put it in the backpack. I grabbed some more stuff from the bathroom then went down stairs. I  gathered all the food and weapons we had so far into another bag that I found and zip them up then set them on the sofa. I don't know why I was getting everything together but I just had a feeling. I grabbed the baggage and ran upstairs, sure not to disturb Rick if he was sleeping. Just as I got up there I heard laughing that didn't sound like Michonne's and then the front door open. I quickly ran into the room Rick was in. I put the backpacks in the closet and went over to Rick. "Rick! Get up!" I whisper/yelled and started shaking him a little. His eyes popped open and he looked up at me. "Are Thales back?" He asked in a raspy tone. "No but there are people here and I don't know who they are. We need to hide." Just then we heard someone walking up the stairs. I quickly ran to the closet and grabbed the bags. Man am I glad I packed this stuff. I hid up against the wall waiting to kill whoever came through. Instead of the person coming in here, they went to the small pink. They shut the door and I heard the bed pop. I looked down at Rick and nodded. I darted into the bathroom ethics the backpacks. I hopped into the shower and hid there. The door opened and closed roughly. I saw the shadow of a man sit down on the toilet. Oh grate.


About thirty minutes later I heard someone else come in. Whoever came in thwarted to struggle with the man on the pot. I could hear things fall and someone choking. Seconds later, the curtains came back and someone pulled me out. It was Rick. He motioned towards the open window and we went out. He dropped the bags first and then his new gun. "Oh. Hold on." I said climbing back into the house. I opened the door just a little and then went back out the window. Rick helped me down and shortly after he was down. We went and gathered our things before going to the side of the house. There was a man outside on the porch eating a can of corn. "Come on." He says trying to get some corn. There was a scream and gunshots from the house. "Shit" the man said as he ran in. Just then, Carl and Michoone were coming. I ran up and hugged Carl tightly. "We need to go. Like, now." I stated quickly. Every one nodded and we all ran down the road, away from which ever those people were.

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