Newt's alternate ending

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Spoilers! This story contains spoilers from the new Death Cure movie!! Read at your own risk!

A bullet wizzes over Thomas's head and he ducks behind part of a collapsed building. "Minho, go get the serum!" He shouts.

Minho looks desperately at Newt who gets worse by the minute. Newt mumbles something unintelligible and something in Minho's eyes light up dangerously. "I'll be back soon. Hang on, buddy," he says addressing Newt.

"I'll cover you," Gally offers standing up with his gun ready.

Minho looks at Gally and tilts his head in puzzlement. "Gally, why are you helping us? I threw a spear into your chest."

"Well mate, no ones perfect," he responds patting Minho's chest and runs into the open area. "Let's go!"

"Be back soon," Minho calls to Thomas and then runs off to get Newt's only hope.

Thomas gets a few shots off with his pistol and is able to distract some of the city's invaders from shooting at Minho and Gally. When he turns back towards Newt he's breathing heavily and is clutching something in his hand.

"Here," he thrusts his hand towards him. "Take it." He says opening it so Thomas sees his necklace.

"Newt, I can't. You never take that off," He responds worried.

"No! No! Take it!" Newt snarls.

"Newt, I can't!"

His eyes clear and he whispers desperately, "Please Tommy, please!"

"Alright," He agrees uncertainly. He takes the necklace and wills Minho to run faster, they were running out of time. As he slides the necklace into his pocket, he looks toward the street and keeps a look out for Minho. When he looks back towards Newt his heartbeat quickens. Newt's black veins seem to have grown and his eyes are shut tight. He has his hands over his ears and is mumbling to himself.

"Newt?" Thomas ask stepping towards him cautiously. Newt snarls and leaps at him.

Newt swings his fist towards Thomas and it connects solidly with his jaw. Thomas groans and tries to restrain him without hurting him. Thomas grabs at his arms and wrestles for the upper hand. As Newt screams, drowning in his insanity, spittle flys in Thomas's face and he knows he will have no choice but to fight back. Thomas swings his leg around and they roll around in the gravel. He finally pushes Newt off of him and gets up breathing heavily. Newt pulls out a knife and glares at Thomas with hate filled eyes. He screams and runs at him with all he has in him. Thomas ducks out of the way and pushes Newt's arm away from him. Thomas follows Newt and because he is unbalanced, Thomas is able to pin him to the ground. Unfortunately, Newt bucks his body under him and swings his arm around. Thomas almost dodges out of the way in time but at the last second Newt slices his forearm open.

He grits his teeth and glares at the blood on Newt's blade. Newt runs at him and pushes him off balance. Newt's knife gets away from him and there's nothing Thomas can do as he watches it slice Newt's side. He screeches in pain and cowers against the side of the building. As he holds his side his eyes clear.

"Tommy?" He asks looking at Thomas's arm. "What have I done?" He asks horrified. He reaches for the knife and before Thomas knows what he is doing he's slicing his arm open.

"NEWT! What are you doing?" Thomas cries tearing the blade out of his hands. There's lots of blood and he knows Newt nicked an artery.

"I... I can't live like this Tommy," he says in a tortured whisper as a tear leaks out the corner of his eye. He can see the insanity and love at war with each other in his eyes. But suddenly when it seems like the insanity is going to win, he slowly slumps against the wall instantly still.

"Newt?" Thomas asks worriedly walking slowly over towards him. "Talk to me, what can I do?"

"Thomas, something is happening," Newt frowns.

Just then the overhead speakers turn on so that the whole city can hear what is about to be spoken. "Thomas, I know you have no reason to trust me," Teresa says pleadingly. "But I need you to come back to WICKED. Thomas, your blood is the key, the cure to the flare. That's why Brenda is healed and that's why she doesn't need regular doses of your blood. It's not just a temporary fix, it's permanent. It's the cure! So please Thomas, if you're listening to this, come back and help save our people, our world.

It ends as suddenly as it came. Newt looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "Tommy, I'm cured!"

Just then Minho and Gally run up to them panting. "Thomas... I'm sorry but Brenda had to leave. We couldn't get the cure." Minho covers his eyes and turns away.

"Minho, Gally, it's ok! I'm cured!" Newt cries. Minho looks at him confused.

"What do you..." but then he sees the blood both on Thomas's and Newt's arm. "Thomas's blood," he whispers putting it together. "The cure! Newt, you're cured!!"

He runs up to Newt and gives him a huge hug. "I have my friend back," he whispers.

"I have my brother back," Newt replies.

"I have my other half back," Thomas says joining the hug.

"Guys, I don't mean to ruin this moment but Brenda and Jorge are waiting for us," Gally says pointing to the burg.

The three best friends smile at each other and walk toward the rope being lowered down comforted in the fact that they will be together at least a little bit longer.

Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Schools been super busy. Hope you enjoyed. Like, leave a comment, or story idea. Have a great snow day everyone!
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