Thomas ~ The Tree

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In honor of Valentine's Day. Enjoy!

You looked all over for Thomas but he was nowhere to be found. You looked in the homestead, the map room, and the forest. "Ughh," you groaned annoyed. You were supposed to go on a date together. It was your three month anniversary as a couple and you were really looking forward to seeing what he had planned.

"What's up Y/n?" Alby asked.

"Thomas was supposed to take me out today, Alby. Any idea where he is?"

He thought for a moment and then asked, "Did you look in the forest?"

"Yeah," you sighed.

"Look again," Alby instructed you. "It's a huge forest, you might have missed something."

"Alright, thanks Alby," you reply resigned. You didn't want to search the entire forest again but you felt like there was no other option. And Alby was right, you could have missed something.

As you trudged through the forest you thought back to when you first met Thomas...

It was a bright sunny day and you were running back to the glade. You were a little behind schedule and you knew you needed to pick up the pace if you wanted to make it in time. You just made it to the glade and were running through the doors when you ran straight into Thomas. You grunted and fell onto the ground with him on top of you. When you looked at him you gazed into some of the most gorgeous green eyes you have ever seen.

He looked at you startled. "But you're a girl!"

You sighed and remembered that a new greenie came up today. "Yes, I am. Now get off of me," You commanded embarrassed.

"Sorry," he flushed just realizing your position. He held out a hand and helped you up. "I'm Thomas," he smiled.

"Y/n," you responded.

You sighed and pulled your mind back to the task at hand. "Thomas?" You called. You heard a twig crack to your left and turned sharply towards the sound. You gasped at what you saw.

On a tree there was a huge banner with little red and pink hearts around our names. It was held up by vines and when I looked up, I saw Thomas sitting in the tree looking at me happily.

"Do you like it?" He asked grinning.

"Oh Thomas, I love it!" You exclaimed while he climbed down. As soon as his feet touched the grassy floor you ran up to him and kissed him full on the mouth.

"I love you," you whispered in his ear.

"I love you too," he smiled down at you before he stole another kiss.

It's one of the shorter ones, sorry guys. Hope you enjoyed! Like, comment, leave a story idea and I'll write it for you! (I'll give you the credit 😉)
(433 words)

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