Minho~ The Dare (part two)

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This chapter is dedicated to @Typicalfangirlhere for her kind words of encouragement. Hope you enjoy!

"Clint!" I shout as loudly as I can. I am so shucking tired of the shucking, freaking, shucking bed!

"What Y/n?" He asks coming into my room with a clipboard in his hands.

"Can I leave?" I ask as sweetly as I can. I need to get out of here as soon as possible or I'll scream.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head already heading out the door of my room. "No. You're in no condition-"

"Clint," I growl, cutting him off and dropping the nice facade, "you better let me leave or so help me will get up and leave myself!"

His eyes widen slightly and he calls for Jeff. "Y/n," he says soothingly, "would you like me to go get Minho for you? I'm sure he hasn't left yet."

"Fine," I grumble, still in a sour mood. I watch him leave and speak quietly to Jeff before he moves away, presumably to get Minho. I see Jeff stand guard by my door and I know Clint told him not to let me out at any cost.

I sigh and rub my face, suddenly exhausted. Shucking griever sting mood swings. Clint reassured Minho that everything was fine with me and that the mood swings were completely normal. They were a side affect of the serum but they would stop eventually. Clint took too long and I ended up drifting asleep before he and Minho could return.


I slowly returned to the real world. I yawned and stretched lazily and snuggled back into my sheets before someone's cough had me jerking my head up.

"Teresa," I breathed. This was the first time she came to visit me in the medjack room.

"Hi," she said a little nervously.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in a while," I joked. "Where have you been?" To my surprise tears instantly filled her eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Oh, Y/n," Teresa cried bringing her hands up to cover her face, "I'm such an awful friend. I didn't realize how dangerous the maze truly was and then you came back all bloody... I'm so sorry," she gasped unable to go on.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh, it's alright. Everything turned out fine in the end. Minho brought me back safe and sound. Well... mostly anyway," I comment and wiggle my eyebrows. I'm satisfied when I coax a smile out of her.

"I just feel so guilty," she tells me looking down at her hands. "I feel like I somehow brought this on you when I dared you to pretend to be hurt in the maze."

"Teresa," I say sternly, "look at me."

She complies and I go on. "None of this was your fault. It was a fluke, that's it. Minho even warned me about the section I was running in. He told me to be careful because that was the one with the most griever sightings. It's not your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, alright?"

She nods, and gives me a small smile.

"There you go. Hey, I technically completed your dare." I tell her smugly. She rolls her eyes and we catch up until the runners come back.

"Hey, can you grab Minho for me?" I ask her.

She smiles, nods, and leaves the room on silent feet.

After a few minutes of playing with my hair Minho comes running into the room. "Hello princess, you called," he bows extravagantly.

I giggle and say, "You have to get me out of here. I want to go on our date."

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