Newt~ The Accident

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This chapter is dedicated to my sister, Rebecca, who was my inspiration for the story ;) love ya.

"Why, Newt? Why would you do this to me?" I asked desperately. "Was I not enough for you? Did I not help you in the way you made me believe?"

"I was so depressed and I didn't know how to handle it. I'm so sorry Y/n, please forgive me," Newt cried out to me.

I looked at his form, lying as still as possible on the bed. He was covered in bandages but the thickest one was in his leg. He jumped off the bloody wall! I still couldn't fathom it. All this time, all the conversations we had, I thought I was helping him.

"I just need time," I whispered quietly standing up when tears began to pool in my eyes. I would not let him see me cry. "Goodbye Newt."

"Wait Y/n, please!" He called after me as I quickly walked out of his room.

I just couldn't believe it. I was helping him before the accident! I told Minho I had it under control. We all knew something wasn't right and we had all been so concerned. They all trusted me and I failed. I failed my friends, my brother, and my boyfriend, Newt.

I rushed to my special spot along the wall, right by the maze entrance. I felt closer not only to Minho, but to getting out. My stupid keeper brother wouldn't let me run so he compromised with me and let me sit by the wall instead. Besides, grievers never come this far in.

As soon as I sat down, as close to the entrance as possible, I started crying. No, that's definitely not a strong enough word. Weeping is more accurate. The sobs racked my body and shook my frame. I wailed about what had happened to my wonderfully stupid boyfriend and what he had put us all through.

After a while, I heard someone come towards my special place. Out from behind a tree, Minho peaked his head out and looked tentatively at me. "Hey small fry, how are you doing?"

"Well I'm obviously shucking amazing," I sniffed weakly, quieting down some.

He chuckled and walked out from behind the tree satisfied that I was still as sassy as ever. "I knew that us siblings could get through everything. Maybe not on our own, but definitely with our friends' help," he said. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked quietly.

"I just feel like I let everyone down," I admitted. "Newt led me on to believe he was getting better and you all put your trust in me." I leaned my head onto his shoulder and closed my eyes to ease the headache I could feel coming on.

"No Y/n, it wasn't your fault. Newt tricked us all into believing that he was okay. No one is blaming you."

"Thanks Minho. I really appreciate it." I tell him wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

He smiled and we simply sat quietly for a while.

"Hey, do you hear that?" Minho asked suddenly.

I sat up and listened for a bit. "No," I frowned in confusion. "What do you think you heard?"

"I thought I heard a griever," Minho said uncertainty. "It was probably nothing but I want to tell Alby about it just in case. Be careful," he warned. "I'm not to worried, they usually don't come in this far, but be on your guard."

"Sounds good," I said easily. "I'll come back in a bit. I need a few more minutes before I go check on Newt again."

"Sounds good," Minho replied.

He unwrapped his arms from me and jogged away.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The air was cool and fresh and the atmosphere was peaceful. I was beginning to get drowsy when I heard something. It was a whirring and clicking.

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