Newt~ Savior

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MazeRunnerFAN26 came up with this story idea. "She comes up into the glade, blind with her seeing eye dog. Something happens and to protect her, the dog leads her into the maze."

I woke up with a gasp as the ground below me shook. I took a minute to sit up and try to look around but everything was pitch black. "Hello?" I called out. "Is someone there?" My breathing turned ragged when no one responded. "Please someone, help me!" I heard barking and gasped. I felt around with my right hand, the other was clutched tightly around a metal grate. My fingers eventually found the soft fur of a dog. She was shaking and as soon as she felt my hand, she pressed up tight against my thigh.

"Hey there. Can you not see either?"

She yipped and I opened my mouth to talk to her some more but before I could, my prison increased its speed and I let out a yell. I squeezed my eyes together tightly and whimpered. The dog shifted beside me and soon I felt her head nuzzle my cheek. "Thanks girl," I grinned shakily. "You are a girl, right?"

The dog yipped as if offended.

"Sorry, I was just making sure." I was so wrapped up with the dog that I momentarily forgot about this metal prison. I only remembered when it jerked to a stop. Everything was still until I heard a creaking. I felt the dog shift until it stood over my legs and growled. "What's the matter? We've stopped right? Now all we need are some lights and we'll be fine." I tried to reassure my dog and myself but then I felt the box shift under me. I let out a yelp and scooted farther back so that my back was against the wall.

The dog started barking at whatever jumped into this prison.

"Whoa!" Someone cried out and stumbled back. "I'm not going to hurt you, alright? I'm just here to get the new greenie out." He spoke to my dog hoping to get to his greenie - whatever that meant - but she wouldn't let him. He had a delightful British accent and I enjoyed listening to him try and calm her down. Eventually he gave up and turned to me.

"Hey, greenie?" The boy called out. "Could you call off your dog please?"

"Am I supposed to be a greenie?" I asked confused.

"Yes," he laughed. "It's glader slang."

I was still confused but decided to ignore it for now. "I'll try," I answered. I turned to my dog and tried to settle her down. "Hey girl, calm down. We need to get out of this prison and into the light so I can see you and where we are, alright? Besides, place is giving me the heebie-jeebies."

"Uh greenie?" The British boy questioned.


"We are in the light. When I opened the top of the box the sunlight spilled into this space and filled it with light." He sounded concerned and slightly confused.

"We're in the light?" My dog turned to me and whined sensing my rising panic. "We're in the light?! Then why can't I see anything?" I began to hyperventilate and pull on my hair.

"Hey, calm down, greenie. It's alright."

I gasped loudly when he touched me. He backed off quickly and apologized profusely. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should have warned you and wow, I'm an idiot."

I closed my eyes and buried my face in the dog's side. I slowed down my breathing and after a few minutes lifted my face out of my precious dog. "It's alright," I said shakily, still trying to wrap my head around all that had happened. "Let's just get out of here."

"Good that," the boy said sounding relieved. "I'm going to carry you out into the glade. I'm going to touch you now."

I felt his warm hand carefully touch my shoulder and immediately felt electricity shoot down my arm. I gasped and heard him mutter a small "woah" before he scooped me up.

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