(Sophie's POV)
I was laying on my bed, listening to songs on my ipod. I started thinking about all the other things that were in the human world that elves didn't have. "Wow, Foster, I can feel your depression all the way from the front yard." He fanned the air between us. I threw a pillow at him. "Hey!" he pouted. I laughed. "No, but really Foster, what's wrong?" I sighed, knowing he wouldn't let it go unless I told him. "Well I kind of miss some of the things that humans have that elves don't. I guess I still get home sick sometimes." I admitted. "Then let's take a trip to the Forbidden Cities!"
I looked I him like he was crazy, which he was. "Keefe, they call it the Forbidden Cities for a reason you know. We can't just go whenever we feel like it." "Why not?" I sighed. "Tell you what, if you manage to get the council to agree to let us go to the forbidden cities, then we will go." I said smugly. "I wouldn't get too confident yet Foster." he said, rubbing his hands mischievously.
He stepped into the light. I watched him go, wondering if I had just made a mistake. Yeah, I probably did. If anyone can make something like that happen, it's Keefe.
--------------------------30 minutes later----------------------
"FOSTER! Were're going to the Forbidden Cities!" I fell out of bed. "What? How?" "I just told them that we need more information on humans, and who better than the girl who lived with them herself?! Of course, she is going to need help, so her amazing friends must go with her." He smirked at me. I just gaped at him. "THANK YOU KEEFE!" I ran up and gave him the biggest hug ever. "Happy Birthday Sophie." he said softly. I jumped. I didn't think he had remembered. "I thought Elves didn't celebrate birthdays." I recalled. "They don't, but one does." he winked at me. "Thank you Keefe!" I smiled. "Anything for you Foster." he said.
For a while we just stood there like idiots, hugging. That is, until Edaline opened my door. "Sophie breakfast is re-" We instantly separated. "I'll just leave you two alone." She had that crazy grin on her face as she closed the door. "So...I better be going to tell Fitz and them. You contact Bangs Boy and Linh. See ya Foster. We are leaving tomorrow!" And with that, he glittered away.

Elves and Demigods (KOTLC short story)
FanfictionTwo worlds, kept separate from each other...until now. (short story) Sophie and her friends decide to take a trip to the human wold so they can "learn" more about Sophie's background. However, the council is only letting them go to do research on hu...