"Okay, so we'll just say there are godly kids in the Forbidden Cities?"

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(Annabeth's POV)

I couldn't see correctly, and my brain wouldn't work. Everything was hazy and misty. I could roughly see the outline of Percy fighting the drakon. However, there were a few figures I couldn't make out.

 I was just able to remember that I had a square piece of ambrosia in my backpack in all of the chaos. I crawled over to it, and hastily tore through all of my stuff. I finally found it in the metal container that I put it in. I stuffed it in my mouth, and my vision cleared. I could think clearly again. My body felt much better. 

I unsheathed my dagur to help Percy. However, what I saw surprised me. Sophie was holding hands with Fitz, their eyes closed. Keefe was on top of the drakon, sweat dripping off of his face. Biana seemed to appear in and out of sight, drawing the drakon's attention away from everyone else. Dex kept throwing some sort of smoke that made the drakon sleepy when it almost got to Biana. Tam was the scariest. A huge cluster of dark mist engulfed him, striking the drakon in vulnerable places. Linh seemed to be helping Percy control the water that was causing the drakon to lose his balance. 

I was the only one not helping. I thought of a stupid, yet effective plan. I calculated the distance and crunched the numbers. Then I threw the dagur. It landed it's mark. Right in the eye. I felt like Rachel when she threw the plastic comb at the Titan, but hey! It was effective!

The drakon howled in pain. Percy took his chance, sticking it with Riptide, dissolving into dust. I ran up to him as he capped Riptide, turning it back into a ballpoint pen. We both turned to the seven kids. "Okay, who are you and how can you see through the mist?" Percy asked ,suspicious.

(Fitz's POV) 

Okay, so we just helped battle some dragon like monster, and the two kids that are Sophie's friends. "Okay, who are you and how can you see through the mist?" the guy named Percy asked us. "What is the mist?" Keefe asked dumbly. Percy rolled his unnaturally sea green eyes. "If you couldn't see through the mist, then you couldn't have seen the drakon, or my sword. What are you? half-bloods? Gods? You guys look like you could be the gods." "Uh...thanks? and what was that monster" I said. 

"We should talk in a more remote area." Sophie, being the smart one, suggested. Percy and Annabeth nodded. When we moved to a deserted area with nobody was. Sophie was first to speak, "Okay, so I guess we'll go first. We are not human. We are in fact elves. We come from the lost cities. Many of the myths and legends that humans made up, are from the elves, like Shangrila. We have lost connection with humans because they became too reckless, and the stuff they make are dangerous to the rest of the creatures in the lost cities. We try to keep alive all of the creatures of the planet. None have gone extinct, including the dinosaurs. However, the alicorns are on the brink of extinct." 

Annabeth and Percy seemed surprised. "Well, we have a similar story." Percy explained when we saw their surprised faces. "We are demigods. Half human, half god. Many of the Greek myths are true, but they are still alive to this day. Like the pegasus. We are usually at a special camp for demigods so that we don't get attacked by monsters, like the drakon you saw earlier. Or, to be trained so we don't get killed in the mort- I mean human world." Major information explosion.

"Okayyyyy, then what do we tell the council? We were sent here to observe humans." Dex asked. "Just say that there are god kids in the Forbidden cities." Keefe unhelpfully suggested. "Okay, so we'll just say that there are godly kids in the Forbidden Cities?" I countered. "Just kidding man. Take a joke." Keefe sighed. 

(Sophie's POV)

"Guys enough!" I was tired of the two bickering boys. "They might not even want us to tell about them. I know I am not anxious about it." The two suddenly became very interested in the floor. "Actually Sophie, it would be great if you wouldn't tell anyone. They might not even be able to see through the mist." Percy broke the silence. "Could you do the same for us?" I asked. Percy nodded. "Buzz kill. Also, what is the mist?" Keefe teased. Annabeth spoke this time, "The mist is a thing that keeps mortals from seeing stuff that their brain can't process." "Oh" I rolled my eyes. Boys can be so clueless sometimes. "We should get going now. School is over. We might meet again Annabeth, Percy." We then stepped into the light. 

(Percy's POV)

After that, Chiron never let me go back to school with Annabeth. He also seemed suspicious of our story, probably not believing it, but didn't question us. We also never saw those kids again. Maybe it's for the best. Our worlds are much alike, but have many differences. However, when I'm in New York, I feel like there were some people that disappeared all of a sudden, control the fountain water, or a trail of black mist...

Thank you all so much for all the reads and support! Check out my other book, "The New Empress" Have a great day! <3

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