Percy and Sophie

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(Sophie POV) 

I breathed a sigh of relief as Keefe and I took my seat next to a guy with black hair and strange sea green eyes. We had just barely made it to class, but that meant that there weren't many seats left. Being a big group, we had to split up. We decided on teams of two (and one team of three) so we wouldn't be alone. Keefe and me, Fitz and Linh. Biana sat with Tam and Dex.

 The teacher was a little late, so everyone was chatting away. I didn't want to be the loser kid on the first day of school, so I wanted to start a conversation. However, Keefe was already talking to a girl next to him. 

It took all of my strength not to growl out loud. So instead, I turned to talk to the boy next to me. "Hey. I'm Sophie!" I said. "Hi, I'm Percy! This is my girlfriend Annabeth." Annabeth kissed his cheek. "Awww! you guys are a cute couple!" I gushed. Dang it. Guess Marella was rubbing off on me. "Is that your boyfriend?" he asked, pointing to Keefe. I blushed hard"NO! He's a friend right now!" He smiled. I internally groaned. I had said, right now. Great. "Oh, class is starting. Nice talking to you Sophie!" I shrugged, putting in my headphones. I knew the teacher wouldn't care, or even notice with all the students that had to be taught. Even if she did call on me, I was certain I would be able to answer. 

(Keefe's POV) 

The teacher wasn't in the classroom yet, so I decided to make Foster jealous. I started up a conversation with the girl next to me. At first the girl seemed surprised that I was talking to her, then she got more comfortable, and started talking to me like I was her best friend. She was staring dreamily at me. 

I remembered that Sophie had said that elves looked like super modeles compared to humans. I could already detect the anger coming off of Sophie. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her huff, and turn to the boy next to her. It was my turn to be jealous.  I was relieved that the teacher soon came in, and they both stopped talking. 

Sophie popped her, I think it was called an ipod, into her ears, and completely ignored the teacher. I smirked I must've been rubbing off on her. When the teacher called on her, I panicked. She hadn't been paying attention! Sophie asked the teacher to repeat the question. When she did, Sophie answered with ease. I mentally face palmed. I forgot that humans were not very intelligent species.

(Annabeth's POV) 

When I first saw Sophie, I had thought that she had been trying to steal my seaweed brain. I kissed him to show that we were a couple, even though he had just told her. She complimented out relationship, and I then realized that she was most likely a newbie trying to make friends. When the teacher came in, Sophie put on her headphones. I was confused. Goode High was a pretty good school. Slackers were a rare occurrence. If there was once, then they didn't last long. 

The teacher noticed her, and smugly asked her a complicated math question. She took off her headphones and asked her to repeat the question. When the teacher was done, without missing a beat, Sophie answered with ease. I gaped at her. So did the teacher. Even as an Athena kid, I had a trouble solving it as fast as she did. I had to ask her for her study plan later.

Percy and Sophie met! What will happen? Will the rest of Sophie's friends meet them? How will it go? Will Percy or Annabeth notice their difference to other people? Till next time!

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