Strange Feelings

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(Percy's POV) 

Its been a few days now. Sophie and her friends are really nice, and I think they have become really popular over night, but they don't act like most of the cocky popular kids I've met so far. In fact, they don't seem to care at all. Except maybe Fitz. He seems to have experience with being very popular, which would make sense since he was that guy girls went head over heels for. 

However, I still can't shake the feeling that they are not like the rest of the kids/ mortals. Once , I saw the toilets flooding, and Linh was standing in the middle, completely dry. Her face paled and drained from any color. I was a little suspicious, but Annabeth told me not to jump to conclusions. Tam? I think, ran up to Linh. I'm sure that they are twins. Tam comforted Linh, and she calmed a little. Another time I though I saw Sophie levitate her pencil, but that might just be me being paranoid. Next I have PE. I am amazing at PE, having hardcore training at camp-half blood. I was really excited. 

Another thing I found suspicious is that Sophie and her friends seem to be really fit as well. Even more than they should, unless they were hardcore body builders, which didn't seem likely the case. I sighed. All the thinking made my head burn, having ADHD. I ran outside to join the rest of the class. 

(Sophie's POV)

I loved PE. Okay, maybe we cheated a little bit with our abilities, like a few brain pushes, and levitation here and there, but we had become incredibly strong since the Neverseen war. I feel like Percy and Annabeth are different though. On our way to school, I though I saw him walk through a sprinkler, and was completely dry. I told Keefe, and he said that I was probably hallucinating. He may have been right, but I still have a small part of me feeling that something is off. 

I shook the thought from my head. I ran outside to join y friends. "I think we have mile today?" Dex said. Keefe snorted. "Easy peasy." Dex glared him down. He lowered his voice so that only we could hear, "Can we please try not to use powers this time?" "Fine. Party pooper." Keefe grumbled. Everyone laughed. We ran over to the class, just as the coach called out the first group of people. 

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