The New Kids

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(Sophie's POV)

After I taught everyone how to check in and get their  schedules, we compared timetables. "Well, I have Math, Sience, history, lunch, PE, Language Arts, and art class." I said. "Looks like we all have the same scheduled then." Keefe laughed. 

We all headed off to math. There were many stares that followed. I sighed. I keep forgetting how good looking elves were. "Thinking about my looks Foster?" Keefe asked, winking. "You wish!" I pushed him. "Oh." he smirked. Then he whispered so no one else could hear, "Your emotions are telling a different story." "Shut up!" 

(Annabeh's POV)

Wow! I can already tell this is going to be a great year. Seaweed brain is with me! We were walking down the halls, when some new students walked by. They all seemed to be good friends, and I had to admit they were really hot, but I would never leave my seaweed brain! "Come on seaweed brain!" I hissed. "We need to get to math! Were're going to be late!" We made a dash for the classroom. 

I'm sorry this is so short. I will make the next one longer! :)

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