(Sophie POV)
When It was finally lunch, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Wow, that was just...wow. didn't know humans thought that dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago." Fitz laughed. "Keep it down Fitz!" I scolded. Kid's heads were turned to them, but she had a feeling that it wasn't because of what he said. "You don't say that stuff out loud."
"Sorry." Fitz apologized.
"Now, lets eat! My favorite class of the day! I can be the teacher!" Keefe squealed. We all sighed.
Once we got our food, I looked around. All the tables were filled. Some gestured for Keefe, Fitz, or Tam to sit with them. I telepathically told them no, because I had a feeling the rest of us weren't welcomed. It was common high school information, that they didn't know. I finally spotted a familiar face.
"Can we sit here?" I asked Percy. "Sure!" he said happily. "Thanks!" We all sat down. "So, Sophie? Mind introducing us to your new friends? or pretend we're not here?" Keefe teased, but I caught a bit of seriousness in his tone. "Right! This is Percy and Annabeth! They are both a couple, and I met them in math. turns out we have most of our classes with us." Keefe's face relaxed. "Percy, Annabeth, this is Keefe, Biana, Dex, Fitz, Tam, and Linh." I pointed at each of them as I said their name.
"Are you enjoying your time here?" Percy asked, spooning a big helping of food into his mouth. Strangely, all of his food was blue. "Yes, it's really nice. Especially after finding some friends." I smiled at him. He returned it. We finished the rest of our lunch, making small talk, getting to know each other better. Of course, they probably never were really going to 'know' us.
(Percy POV)
Sophie and her friends seem nice. I just can't help that I feel like their different. I tell Annabeth, and she thinks that it's just me. I think she's right, but I just have a feeling...

Elves and Demigods (KOTLC short story)
Hayran KurguTwo worlds, kept separate from each other...until now. (short story) Sophie and her friends decide to take a trip to the human wold so they can "learn" more about Sophie's background. However, the council is only letting them go to do research on hu...