Happy Anniversary Wise Girl

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(Percy's POV)

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee Chiron?" "no.""Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?"  "no." "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?" "no.""Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?" "no.""Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?" "Fine! My god Perseus Jackson! You do anything for Annabeth, don't you?" "yep" "Ok then, leave, I have paperwork to do." 

I had a huge grin on my face. Now I just had to tell her. I knocked on the Athena cabin door. A guy named Chole opened it for me. He already knew what I wanted and stepped aside to let me in, where the Athena kids were doing battle tactics and other things I couldn't read, because of my dyslexia. I weaved my way to Annabeth's room. As cabin leader, she got a nice room. Not a bunk bed. "Hey Percy!" "Hey Mike!" I came to the Athena cabin so often, that I had grown to know almost everyone there. I opened Annabeth's door, and she was already packing to go to her school tomorrow. She wanted to get good education, and since her scent wasn't strong to monsters, being a child of Athena, Chiron let her go. 

"Knock knock!" "Percy! I need to focuse on packing." She stressed, not even looking at me. "Awww, come on, don't be like that." I whined, grabbing her from behind. "I have a present for our 5 year anniversary!" "Wow seaweed brain. You remembered!" She teased. "Hey!" 

I nudged her. "Wanna hear my gift?" "It's verbal?" She asked, confusement sparkling in her eyes. She looked cute like that. "It'..." I paused for dramatic effect, but she punched me. "Okay! okay! Chiron said I could go with you to school this year." She kissed me. "That is the stupidest and sweetest thing that has ever come out of your mouth. You know why you can't go to school. If a monster attacks the school, then I get to say, I told you so." I chuckled. "Alright wise girl." The moment was perfect. We sat on the bad together for a little bit before she finally remembered what she had to do. "SEAWEED BRAIN! I knew you were going to distract me from packing! Shoo! You need to pack too." "Alright I'm leaving!" She looked cute too, when she was flustered.

I headed off to the Poseidon Cabin to pack my bag with the few items I owned, but I did not prepare for what was about to happen. 

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