Did I forget to mention | chapter 1

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Being Lyla's little sister was never easy, the only plus side was they didn't look that much alike.

Pulling up outside of Teller-Morrow automotive, she was jumped on by a very squealy blonde.

"I'VE MISSED YOU!" Lyla squealed in my ear, well there goes my hearing in that ear!
"I can't believe you're here, I've missed you! Come in an meet Opie, I can't wait for you to meet him Dani"

Danielle well Dani, 25, Lyla's younger sister well half sister, same mom different dad, not a porn star, but a tattoo artist brunette not blonde. And sarcasm was always her defence mechanism

After being dragged into the building by her sister who looks to have finally calmed down she introduced me to Opie or should she say Giant, at being only 5ft 2 everyone was kind of a giant really.

As Lyla introduced my to Opie, he was kind actually, like a friendly giant, although she suspected that could change if needed.

Nodding towards her opie started talking,
"I'll introduce you to everyone else follow me"

Following like a little puppy dog he took her towards a room filled with men and him.

Opie cleared his throat "Alright everyone this is Dani, Lylas sister treat her with respect, Dani this is -
Treat her with respect!"

The one names tig looked her up and down "you don't look like a porn star, are you a porn star?"

Giving a small laugh "no that's just Lyla I'm a tattoo artist"

Clapping Happy on the back "well so is this one, you's may get along sugar, all though I think me and you will get along better" as he looked her up and down yet again with a lustful eyes

Before even being able to dignify that with a response happy was up on his feet "we need to talk little girl" he growled before taking hold of her arm and pulling Dani out of the room leaving everyone in there mouths agape.


Being pulled into what she was assuming is Happy's room he looked her up and down before grounding out
"What are you doing here!"

"Me!? What about you, you're supposed to be in Tacoma, probably fucking anything that moves"

Seeing his eyes narrow kind of scares me and turns me on.
Maybe I shouldn't anger the guy nicknamed killer.
She knew at the moment she shouldn't really be thinking these things

"Well you haven't spoken to me in two years"

"There's nothing to explain, maybe there would be some type of conversation if you signed the goddamn fucking divorce papers!" She hissed out

"I'm not signing shit little girl" he responded before making his little dramatic exit
drama queen.

Taking a deep breath she followed suit, Lyla was looking at her sister suspiciously, "how do you know happy Dani?"

Smiling sheepishly towards her "did I forget to mention I'm married erm to happy"


well that's one way to make a room silent.

"Well thanks Lyla, didn't really want everyone to know but now they do" out of the corner of my eye she could see Happy grinding a toothpick between his teeth, sighing, she told Lyla she needed a moment before storming outside to my car.


Grabbing the papers that she has basically carried everywhere with for the past two years She waltzed back in towards Happy shoving the papers in to his hands hissing towards him
"sign them!"

Looking at the papers and then back to the small women in front of him "not gonna happen little girl"

"It's been two years hap, just sign the goddamn fucking papers!"

"Maybe if you actually spoke to me!"

"What do you want me to say, you broke the only rule I ever had! If you're with me there's no one else at all! I even gave you an out, that if you couldn't do it we would just part way and everything would be fine, but nooo 'I can do it little girl, you're the only one for me' such fucking bullshit! Not only did you cheat, I had to bump into the same girl in the shop as she was buying a pregnancy test!"
Here come the tears.

Pulling up her top to show the crow on my ribs,
Take a deep breath,
"just sign the paper, please"

Glancing at her she thought maybe he was going to do it until that word came out,

Words: 729
It's quite short sorry but I'm just trying to get a feel of this story!
Let me know what you think!

Thank you 😊😊

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