How I met happy | chapter 3

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After recollecting herself Dani had entered the party and actually had fun mostly because she had a bottle tequila by her side.

After a few days had passed she was thinking it was getting neared the time to get back to Tacoma, back to normality. Plus away from happy.

Her phone beeping took her away from her thoughts

Big sis: have you got your tattoo stuff with you
Lil sis: yeah always bring them with me
Big sis: one of the guys needs a tattoo doing it, they'll pay you
Lil sis: will be there in ten
Big sis: love youuu

After gathering and double checking she had everything she set off towards the clubhouse
If only she knew what awaited.


Seeing Lyla stood there waiting she grabbed her tattoo equipment and made her way towards her sister

"So who am I tattooing?"

Lyla looked at her with a sheepish smile "about that don't get mad, but follow me they're waiting"

Following her sister she looked confused
why would I get mad?
Until she realised who she was actually tattooing

"I'm sorry, he said he only wanted you too do it!"

Looking at happy she sighed
"So what am I tattooing?"
Her eyes widened when he took his top off
Oh how she had missed that body
Then she noticed it, right over his heart in big script letters that she had done herself was her name.
They had always tattooed each other, he did her crow and she did her name.

"You know it explains the Dani tattoo now" one of the guys she thinks was Jax explained
"What do you mean?"
"Just whenever we had asked about it before he just told us to 'fuck off' then he would storm away"
Nodding in response she turned to look at happy again,
"What am I doing"

Knowing he would make this as awkward as possible by not lying down on the table she had to kneel in front of him
Hearing his low raspy voice always did things for her
"This brings back memories"
Rolling her eyes she tried not to think of past times her and happy had had.

Knowing he would make this as awkward as possible by not lying down on the table she had to kneel in front of him Hearing his low raspy voice always did things for her "This brings back memories"Rolling her eyes she tried not to think of past time...

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Once she was done, she nodded her head at happy signalling she was finished and put her equipment away, walking to the kitchen she leant against the wall taking a deep breath


Startling her a voice spoke out
"I still don't understand how we didn't know happy was married"

Looking towards Gemma she nodded "well I'm guessing you know what he does for the club from the tattoos and well the people at the Tacoma clubhouse knew but he didn't really like to mention me in case someone tried to hurt me as leverage or revenge"

"So how did you and killer get together?"

"Long story or short?"

"I want all the details"

"Well starting from the beginning, we met when I was nineteen, he was twenty nine I think, I did one of his smiley faces, first of many, didn't really speak much plus he scared the shit out of me, but then he came back for other tattoos, but he was always the last one for a tattoo so it would just be me and him in the shop, one day I was doing a smiley just like before stood up and we just kissed and we fucked on the tattoo table"
Pausing as she heard Gemma laugh and muttering a typical

"Anyways we just slept together most times he came for a tattoo, completely casual, until one day he had gotten my number, so then it sort of because a friends with benefits type deal, still allowed seeing other people and that there was no exclusivity about this arrangement and that was fine I didn't want a relationship, so it was have sex then leave that was it no staying over etc"

"And then something happened" Gemma butted in

Nodding at her "then something happened, we had had sex he came to mine and he just stayed and fell asleep, and then it progressed we actually spoke, until one day I told him he couldn't come around because I was going on a date"

"Bet he didn't like that"

Laughing at that comment
"nope, he'd somehow found out where the date was, hit him then dragged me away and fucked me against a wall, and then we argued and somehow I had screamed I loved him and he said it back, but I told him if I wasn't allowed to be with other people he wasn't either, if not we could leave it and part on good terms, he said he could do it"

"So how did yous end up married"

"That was just a joke that ended up actually happening, after a while he asked me to get his crow I told him I would if I could tattoo my name on him, he agreed obviously and I jokingly said 'we might as well get married then'  he actually agreed, took some convincing before I realised he was serious I mean it's happy for fucks sake no one would expect him to actually get an old lady let alone married!"

"So how did you end up estranged for two years"

Chuckling a bit "I'm not stupid I knew he wasn't always faithful with the whole no one else, you know what happens on a run stays on a run"

"You can play ignorant to that because you don't have to see it"

Agreeing with Gemma "yeah but one day when he said he was coming back he didn't and I got worried, went to the clubhouse normally I can just walk in and straight to Haps room, but this time someone stopped me and I knew something had happened so I barged passed him and walked straight into the room and in on him fucking some blonde bimbo least she had the decency to look guilty, when he came back he screamed I shouted we fucked and then it was like robotic afterwards, no emotions really we didn't speak, just rough sex no feelings, with the odd sentence telling me he was going on a run etc... until the final nail in the coffin"

"Which was?"

"I bumped into the girl he fucked in the store, she was buying a goddamn fucking pregnancy test and I just broke, went home packed my shit told him I was leaving, he didn't even try to stop me, stayed at a friends then found my own place, didn't speak to him until I got divorce papers brought up but he's said no every time"

Taking a deep breath
"So yeah that's story of me and happy"

Words: 1105
Hope you like it!
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Thank you! 😊😊

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