With or without you | Chapter 10

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"What do you mean he left?" Lyla questioned her sister who had finally dwindled down from sobbing to sniffling.

"I mean I told him I was pregnant, then tried to make a little joke by going 'here's the kicker it's twins' and he just stared at me then got up and walked off with the picture" she sniffled "he hates me, I can't raise twins by myself!"

"Dani you won't be on your own, we'll help, screw happy! Although if you didn't we wouldn't be in this situation" she laughs sobering up when her sister glares at her

Sighing she stands up "I can do this! Hopefully, I'm going to go home I just want to sit by myself for a bit"

Bidding her sister goodbye she drove home.

As neared home her phone rang as she answered it was an automated voice telling her it was a call from the prison and one of the inmates were ringing her


It's Jax

Oh, what can I do for you?

Happy got himself shot in solitary confinement

That fucking dickhead, how long?

Two weeks, what happened when you saw him he came back pissed

Told him I was pregnant

Ah shit, is it his?

What the fuck! of course it is, I don't do no prison clause

Ok ok calm down, anyway you can't see him for the next two weeks

Don't tell me to calm down! That's the worse thing to tell a women! Right, Jax next time you see him telling him I'm having these babies with or without him

Babies? And I ain't telling him shit this is between you and your old man, I like my life to much

It's twins and fine

Wow, go hap

Look I got to go, just make sure he doesn't do anything more stupid

I'll try.

As she hung up the phone she sighed
he's such an idiot


The two weeks hap was in solitary confinement flew by and she had reached the three months mark, and since she was pregnant with twins he bump although still small was more noticeable than someone only pregnant with one baby.

She was had just finished some guys back tattoo, when her mobile rang it was the prison, hoping it was not Jax ringing to tell her happy had something stupid she answered.


Baby girl

See you're out solitary


You got anything you want to say?

Not over the phone

I'll be there in a hour.


Sighing she hung up the phone luckily she had no other appointments for the day so she could leave.


When she entered the meeting room he was already sat there, she felt her cheeks blush when his eyes raked over her stopping at her belly.

Giving him a small smile she sat down "you wanted to talk so talk happy"

"Are they mine?"

"What the fuck, yes happy!"

"Are you keeping them?"

Nodding she looked him in the eyes "are you with me or not because happy I am keeping these babies and if you can't handle that then that's fine but I'm doing this with or without you"

"I love you"

She smiled at that he rarely ever said the full three words she knew he did but she couldn't help smile when says the full sentence.

"I know you do happy, but is this something you want, I don't want you to only do this because you love me, and then end up resenting me down the line because I've saddled you with two kids"

"Look me and kids I don't know how to work with them, but I love you and I'll love our kids"

"Why did you walk away?" She sniffled

"I freaked out I knew we had a lot of sex I just always thought we were safe"

"I know baby, it was a shock to me too, I love you"

"You too"

The remainder of the visit was her explaining how she found out and that both Gemma and her sister where there and also Tara knows because of the hospital visit and also Jax knows because he rang her

"How did you end up in solitary?"

"I was in shock and bit pissed of I hit someone"

"Happy, what about your sentence?"

"It's fine nothings going to happen" as he rested his hand on her stomach

"So what do you want, two boys, two girls, boy and a girl?"

"Two boys hopefully they'll be easier"

"Bet we end up with two girls, surrounded by women you'll love that!"

"and I'm still pissed off at you for walking away, but I'm glad we're ok now" as she got up to leave she quickly kissed him

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"and I'm still pissed off at you for walking away, but I'm glad we're ok now" as she got up to leave she quickly kissed him.

She left the prison with a small smile on her face as she made her way to her car.

Words: 806
It's quite a short one but I had it written so I thought I would publish it!
Let me know what gender/names she should have!
Hope you like it
Let me know if there's any mistakes
Thank you! 😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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