Second chance | Chapter 6

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Warning: mature scenes.

"So you fucked happy"

"Yes, me and happy had sex it was a one time thing, well three times" Dani laughed, although she sobered up when she saw the scowl on her older sisters face.

"Look, we were arguing, and it just happened" Dani tried to rationalise

"So his dick just happened to enter you?"

"Look, I don't care, it was great sex and I missed great sex." she stated

"You're forgetting I was there when you burst into tears after driving all the way from Tacoma, although I didn't know it was happy who was the reason you were crying, I just don't want that to happen again" Lyla said worry lacing her voice

"I know and I love you for it Lyla, I couldn't ask for a better sister, but for all we know it could have been a one time thing"

"If you say so" yeah Lyla wasn't buying it.


D: we need to talk. Come by at closing no one will be there but me.

H: ok.


She had tattooed three people today, two cover ups and an 18 year old girl getting her first tattoo.

She was cleaning up, wiping down surfaces while music was blaring in the background not realising that happy had entered and was leaning against the door frame watching her, the way she was moving those hips made his jeans feel tighter.

Turning around she screamed when she saw he was there "fucking hell happy!" She shouted, putting her hand over her heart

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Turning around she screamed when she saw he was there "fucking hell happy!" She shouted, putting her hand over her heart

Walking towards her, he stopped right in front of her "you wanted to talk?"

Nodding her head "did it mean anything to you, the sex I mean, did it mean anything or did it just happen so you could get your dick wet?"

Rolling his eyes at her "yes it meant something"

"I still love you happy, but I'm scared that you're just going to sleep with the first pretty girl that bats her eyelashes of flashes her silicone tits at you"

"I won't. Not again, I promise baby girl"

"Maybe we could start of slow?"

"As in no sex!?"

"Fuck no, I still need sex, I mean like we're in a new relationship, can you do that?"

Nodding in confirmation, she narrows her eyes at him, "if you as so much as touch another girl, here or anywhere, I don't care if you've been on a run for months you don't do anything with another girl or so help me god they will have to tattoo a ...

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Nodding in confirmation, she narrows her eyes at him, "if you as so much as touch another girl, here or anywhere, I don't care if you've been on a run for months you don't do anything with another girl or so help me god they will have to tattoo a smiley face on me!"

Seeing the fire in her eyes he crashed his lips onto her, he slapped her arse causing her to gasp letting him slip his tongue in, tapping her thighs as a signal she jumped wrapping her leg around his waist as she grinded on him causing he to growl, setting her down on the tattoo table he ripped her top off over her head as started kissing down her neck leaving marks as she moaned.

Undoing her shorts he pulled them down her legs throwing them behind her, she noticed that he was still fully dressed so she grabbed the end of his top yanking it over his head, then proceeding to trail her nails down his abs, smirking when they tensed.

She moaned when she felt a finger slip down her pants and insider of her and then another his thumb going to her bundle of nerves she was on cloud nine just as she was she about to fall over the edge he withdrew his fingers causing her let out a whine. Her chest was heaving and she was so close, and she moved her hands to his belt as she rushed to undo it and pull his jeans and boxers down she freed his members, using her hand she ran her thumb over the pre-cum causing his head to fall back and groan.

As he all but ripped her panties off of her, pulling her right to the edge of the table legs wrapped round his waist he lined himself and thrusted into her slowly as she let out a whimper, pulling all the way back out he slammed back into and continued to pound into her as her fingernails left crescent marks over his shoulders.

The coil inside her was tightening and he loved the sound of her moans and whimpers of his name, as he felt her getting closer he moved on his hands down to her clit and rubbed it causing her mouth to fall agape as a scream came out, she was shaking she was so close and then he pulled her legs up higher letting go deeper as he hit that spot causing her eyes to roll back and her back to arch, she felt the coil tighten inside of her more and more as he hit that spot repeatedly. Her walls tightening him around him as his orgasm ripped through them at the same time as she let out a loud moan, he thrusting getting sloppy as he rode out their highs.

Chests heaving he laid he forehead against hers, as they tried to get their breath back.

Looking into each others eyes they both prayed this second chance would work.

Words: 878
Hope you like it!
Sorry it's quite short 😏
Tell me if there's any grammar, spelling mistakes!
Comment please, if there's anything you want to see happen etc...

Thank you! 😊😊

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