Should I stay or should I go | chapter 4

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It was nearing the end of Dani's stay, and Lyla had been on her arse trying to convince her to stay.

Lyla had all but got on her knees and begged her little to stay she had a rebuttal to every statement Dani made.

I have a job there
There's a tattoo shop here, work there!
I have nowhere to live
Stay with me until you find a place
I have my friends there
But your sisters here!

She had used the world renowned excuse to buy her some time I'll think about it this got her sister off her back for all of two days.


"Please, just say you'll properly think about, think of the benefits being here, for example me, your big sister, your favourite sister!" Lyla exclaimed

"Your my only sister!" She retorted "well that I know off" she mumbled afterwards

They were sat in CaraCara, while her sister no longer starred in production she had finally moved up into producing the films, and Dani was proud of her. Her sister starring in porn had never bothered her as long as her sister wasn't getting hurt or something that would get her nephew hurt she was ok with it.
Plus they had a no judgement rule.

Also who could she judge she was no innocent and she had married the man nicknamed 'killer' and that's wasn't for a joke. She knew the jist of what he did, they had a disclosure agreement although he couldn't tell her everything he would tell her what he could, plus she tattooed smileys.

But the truth of the matter was, even if she was considering moving here she needed to talk to the one person she had been avoiding.


Pulling up to TM, she took a deep breath all she needed was a short conversation and then she could leave, despite everything she knew he would would always give her an honest opinion.

Walking in she found Opie waving at him she walked over "hey Opie is happy in I need to talk to him, no arguing or anything I just need his opinion"

Nodding at the much shorter girl he furrowed his eyebrows "he's not in a good mood so you might want to leave it"

"No it's fine he won't do anything to me, just can you tell me where he is"

"Dorm room, third door along"

Thanking him she set off to where he was, knocking on the door she heard a gruff "fuck off"

Knocking again "happy it's Dani, can I come in?"

Hearing the door unlock she opened and when inside the room there happy laid on the bed with his back against the door, gathering that he wasn't in the mood the talk, she just spoke

"Lyla wants me to move here, and at first I was dead set against it but I've thought about it and maybe it wouldnt be too bad to be near my sister again, I know we're sort of at an impasse and I kinda hate you right now but I need you tell me if it's a good idea or not"

Rubbing a hand over his face and head he sighed "it is, I know how much you and your sister weren't close, but now yous are, so maybe you should"

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