Maybe, just maybe | chapter 5

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Warning: mature scenes

Once she had a got far down away from party she pulled over a took a breathe, until she realised how pathetic she was being.

Deciding that she wasn't going to let happy ruin her night, she looked into her rear view mirror and checking that her make up was a-ok she did a U turn and made her way back to party.

Once finding the bar she proceeded to down a couple of shots to ease the edge off before going off in search of in search of her sister.

Not being able to find her sister she assumed she had took of to have some fun with Opie since she couldn't find him and it was not like he was hard to miss

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Not being able to find her sister she assumed she had took of to have some fun with Opie since she couldn't find him and it was not like he was hard to miss.

Finding herself back at the bar she proceeded to have a race of shots against Juice, doing a little dance when she won.

Now was she was tipsy but at least she was having fun until he ruined it.

"I didn't sleep with her" she heard from behind her

Dancing with a bottle in her hand she just laughed "you know what, I don't care anymore"

Grabbing the bottle from her hand he showers it into a prospect bent down and threw her over his shoulder and walked up to his dorm while she proceeded to shout at him to put her down, while a few people proceeded to wolf whistle and holler

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Grabbing the bottle from her hand he showers it into a prospect bent down and threw her over his shoulder and walked up to his dorm while she proceeded to shout at him to put her down, while a few people proceeded to wolf whistle and holler.


As he walked into his dorm he dropped her down onto the bed as he went back to shut the door and lock it

"What the fuck do you think you're doing happy!" She screamed at him

"Shut up and listen, I didn't sleep with her!"

"Because I saw you! Tell me if I hadn't walked in and you hadn't saw me, what would you be doing at this moment in time, would you be banging her against the wall, would she be riding you on the bed, or would you be doing her from behind so you didn't have to see her face, huh TELL ME HAPPY!"

"Why do you even care!? You want a divorce!"

"God are you that stupid!"

"What's that suppose to mean!?"


They were face to face, and neither were to sure who started it off but it was like all the sexual tension just combusted and they were frantically kissing as they ripped each other's clothes off throwing them all over the room without a care.

He pushed her to the bed, realising all that she was down to was her bralette and thong he proceeded pull the top over her head and tear the thong off of her as released him from the confines of his boxers, he positioned himself roughly thrusted into her, causing a loud moan to erupt from her.

Not even allowing her to adjust to him he continued to roughly thrust into her at an animalistic pace, as he startled leaving marks down her neck and chest.

Wrapping her legs around his waist allowing him to go deeper as he hit that magic spot inside causing her eyes to roll back as he repeatedly hit the spot.

White spots entered her vision as the coil inside her tightened till until she exploded writhing underneath as her walls tightened causing him to let out a groan as he followed suit.

Pushing his shoulders down as she gained a second wind she straddled him. With her hair tumbling against his chest, moving her hands to grip his forearms, Dani positioned herself over him, and pushed down achingly slow.

They both groaned he felt the familiar tightness he loved. Dani began to move against him, slowly at first. With his fingers digging into her skin, happy bucked his hips as he watched her desperately running her hands through her hair and down her body as she rode his achingly slow.

Happy groaned, fighting to keep his eyes open and glued to her beautiful bouncing tits. "Like that, baby." She began to swivel her hips and happy was on the brink of losing his fucking mind. He would never normally let anyone take control over him like this except for her.

Dani let her head fall back as she arched her back. Gripping his thighs, she continued moving against him as she started to feel the coil inside her tighten again. 

She was going slow to slow for Happy's likening  "Faster. baby girl, faster."

Guiding her hips, happy helped her move as fast and as hard as she could, and neither could take it any longer. As she let out a scream and happy growled like an animal as they both exploded against each other. Dani let herself fall against happy, before rolling onto her back on the bed, exhausted.

As much as they both enjoyed themselves, they knew that this might not change much, but for this one night they could pretend, sure they loved each other but maybe they just too different now, a lot can change in two years.

But maybe.
Just maybe.
It could happen.


Waking up in Happy's arms, Dani had had the best night sleep for first time in years and she knew why.

Checking the time and realising she had work in nearly two hours, she gently removed his arms from her waist and went in search for her clothes, as got ready to leave she leaned over to kiss his forehead a small smile on her face and his forehead crinkled.

"You leaving me little girl" she heard before she opened the door

"I've got work but maybe you could come to the shop and we could talk properly, I promise I won't bring up divorce papers, but last night was great"

"I know it was especially the way you were screaming my name" a smug smirk on his face

"Happy!" She blushed

"I'll see you later little girl"

Waving a small wave she left the room, walking downstairs she saw the knowing faces on a few of his brothers that screamed

we know what you or should we say who you did last night

A blush formed on her face as she moved her hair to cover the hickeys on her neck as she left but not before a small smile graced her face.

Words: 1054
Hope you enjoy this!
Apologies for any grammar/spelling mistakes

Thank you 😊😊

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