Heres the kicker | Chapter 9

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Happy had been in prison nearly two months now and Dani was oddly getting used to him not being around, but she seriously missed him, especially since she had been ill the past week from flu.

She was sitting at the table waiting for him to arrive, and when he did she gave him a quick hug and hard kiss on his lips, how she had missed those lips,

After catching him up on what had gone on such as Kozik finally getting voted in but only because Tig wasn't there, although you could not see it on his face Happy was glad his friend was at the same clubhouse as him.

As she was talking she trailed off as happy leant over to cup her breast "what are you doing happy, you can't do that here!" She asked confusingly, glancing at them  "they've grown" he stated shaking her head with laughter "and you know this how?"

"Trust me I know your tits" as he repeated what he did before but this time he added a squeeze as she tried to bat his hand away as he chuckled the guard telling happy to keep his hands to himself.

Bidding him goodbye he kissed her lips and her temple before going their separate ways.


Dani was currently regaling her conversation with happy to her sister and Gemma, putting her hands on her breasts and cupping them she looked at the two women "they have not grown have they?", the two women nodded their heads "I noticed they have, you've also put on a little weight" mouth agape Dani shouted at her sister "Lyla!"

Laughing "well it's true Dani, for all we know you could be pregnant!"

Shaking her head "no I had period a couple of weeks ago" she trailed off not actually remembering when her last period was noticing how her face had paled considerably "you ok honey" Gemma asked as she placed a hand over Dani's

"Shit" as she stood up from the chair and paced the floor "shit shit shit"

Looking at the two women who have seemed to have figured it out, Gemma took action "you need a pregnancy test" grabbing her car keys she told the two younger women to wait at TM and she would nip out and get a couple. Nodding her head she sat back down elbows on the table and her head in her hands as she suddenly felt sick from fear.

As Lyla noticed her sisters face she wrapped an arm around her "it's going to be ok" she soothed "I remember when we were younger you always wanted kids" looking at Lyla she gave her a small smile "I do but it's hap, I don't think he does, how could this happen we were always safe!"

"Really, always safe?" Lyla blanched "ok, ninety percent of the time we were!" Lyla had a retort but was cut off by Gemma walking in.
Boy that was quick.

Handing the pregnancy tests she told Dani to go pee and then to come back and they would wait together.


Three minutes.
Three minutes
And there it was that positive sign staring back at her.
Oh she screwed.
He was going to kill her.

Seeing the shock and fear on Dani's face Gemma took charge, "right I've messaged Tara, she's free now so we're going over and you're getting checked out and then we'll go from there, first things first are you keeping it?"

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