Come again? | Chapter 8

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Dani was sat with her sister having a catch up, well more of listen to Lyla moan about married life already. "It's been a month, what can you already be moaning about already?" cringing when her sister does an over dramatic sigh "he wants me to quit porn, says he can support both of us and I don't need to do it, it's not like I'm not even in it anymore, I'm behind the scenes!"

Nodding at her sister "look just talk to him if not fuck him and when he's all happy as Larry, then tell him you're not quitting"

"He's just in a mood since most of them are going to prison"

"Come again?" Shock written all over her face

"Yeah most of the guys and judging by your face happy didn't tell you" Lyla trails off

Pointing at her shocked face "does this look like a face that knows, now excuse me I'm going to go kill my husband then get a smiley face tattoo!" She seethes.


Storming into the clubhouse she didn't even stop when people tried to talk to her just barged past people until coming to a stop in front of Juice she grabs the front of his top pulling him to her "where is he" she seethes, gulping Juice points to his dorm not even asking who she's on about. Releasing him she storms up to his room and slams his door open.

"When the fuck were you going to tell me you were going to prison!?"

"When the fuck were you going to tell me you were going to prison!?"

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"It doesn't matter"

"Are you fucking kidding me, I've done a lot of shit for you happy. I play house for you. You always have a hot meal and clean clothes granted I suck at cooking and I once turned your top pink once. I got your crow and I took your name. When we go into lock down I don't ask any fucking questions ok maybe a few but still. When you come home after killing someone I help clean you up I know how to get blood stains of your kutte now. I help pay your mums medical bills even when we were broken up. I have been kidnapped, beaten and tortured because of the club and you. I put off having kids because you wanted to wait. And it's all fucking worth it because I have you. But you couldn't tell me you're going to prison? I mean come on! it's not like it's even the first time you have had to tell me" she rants pacing back and forth only stopping because happy grabbed her hand and pulled her to his chest.

"You're a dickhead" she mumbles cheek squished against his chest, so she was able to feel the vibrations of his chuckle

"I was going to tell you"

"You were?"


"How long?"

"Three years fourteen months for good behaviour"


"Couple of days"

Nodding her head "so about this prison clause" she chuckles

"I'll kill anyone who touches you"

"I know and just remember don't bend down in the showers if someone drops the soap" she laughs only to picked up and thrown onto the bed still laughing before sobering up and looking at him "you going to join me we've got fourteen months of sex to get in before you leave" as she takes her top off and throwing it at him.

You could probably tell what happened next.


The next couple of days passed on repeat
Morning sex
Quickie or other various sexual activities
Back to work
More sex
And did she mention sex?

Dani was thoroughly satisfied and slightly worried about how happy would last in prison without sex since he always seemed to be in the mood for it not that she was complaining, as sex was quite a workout.

As the van turned up and some women with a smug face watched as they were being loaded into the van, turning around happy pulled Dani by her waist towards him he kissed her hard her hands coming to rest on his chest.

"I love you" she whispered

"You too" he replied

"Be safe and remember the about the soap" she chuckles, gaining a smirk from him as he turns to leave.

Holding back her tears, she didn't like crying anyways let alone in public, her sister came over and rubbed her back "he's gonna be ok" she said soothingly "yeah I hope so" Dani added solemnly.


It was few weeks before she could even visit Happy in prison and she was slightly nervous, she had been feeling ill as she sat waiting for him, he still looked hot even in his prison uniform.

Getting up she gave him a hug and quick kiss on the lips, "hi baby, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, rooming with Juice and before you ask no I haven't picked up the soap"

"You know me so well baby" she laughs

"and juice ain't that bad he's like the little brother you don't want at first but then he grows on you, hap are you protected in here?"

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"and juice ain't that bad he's like the little brother you don't want at first but then he grows on you, hap are you protected in here?"

Understanding where here worry was coming from and he was once attacked in prison and how happy explained properly why they were in jail and before Juice had been shived "yeah were protected don't worry baby girl"

"Yeah well I have to since you don't worry"

As they chatted for the next hour about random shit from prison life, to how Jax had just found out Tara was pregnant so he was ecstatic as their time together came to end she stopped him quickly handing him an enevelope he quirked an eyebrow "I brought you something, don't worry it was female guard who saw them but I ask you one thing do not show anyone else and open then when I'm gone" she said as she blushed "I love you baby"

"You too" he nodded as he left

Once he was back to his cell, he opened the envelope and smirk forming on his face as he took out the photos of Dani in various lingerie
She was gonna be the death of him.

Words: 1022
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