You have to chooose | chapter 7

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Warning: mature themes

It had been one week since their tryst in the tattoo parlour, although that was not the last time that happened, over the past week they had found themselves having sex there on more than one occasion.

Tonight was their first Friday party back together as a couple and she was scared that some how he was going to end up in the arms of a croweater.

Dressed in tight black jeans and a bright red bralette alongside her leather jacket, she curled her did her make up and with her heels she was ready to go.

Walking into the room, she should've guessed it there was happy sat with a girl on his lap.

Walking up to him she rolled her eyes as his widened looking at him she glared "you and I need to have a little chat"

Walking up to him she rolled her eyes as his widened looking at him she glared "you and I need to have a little chat"

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Grabbing his hand she all but dragged him outside "what the fuck was that?" She demanded

"She just came and sat down, it meant nothing" he rasped

"Oh it meant nothing, how about I go sit on one your 'brothers laps' since it will mean nothing"  she retorted, smirking when she sees his eyes darken

"Try it baby girl and see what happens!"

"See that's not fair you can't get pissed off, why is it you can have girls rubbing all over you but I've got to be a fucking nun unless it's with you, make up your bloody mind! I'm sick of it, I love you happy and I thought we were trying again you said you wouldn't touch any croweaters and there you are with one on your lap rubbing your chest when you knew I was coming. So make up your mind tonight. Me or the croweaters." As soon as she was finished she turned around and walked towards the bar asking for the bottle of tequila.

Before she could even take a sip the bottle was took from her hands, by some guy she did not recognise and then before she could say anything his hand grabbed her arse and smacked it, laughing she glared a him before rearing her right hand back and punching him square in the jaw causing him to fall to ground and the room went silent

"Keep your fucking hands off of me" she screamed

As he stood back up he gripped her forearm "who the fuck do you think you are you silly bitch"

Before he could say anymore he hand was pulled off of hers as happy stood in between them with a murderous glint in his eye, making the man in front of him sweat.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to my old lady" Happy demanded  "ring. NOW."


Watching happy in the ring was always a turn on. For some reason she found it endearing, he had no top on and sweat dripping down him and that murderous glint in his eye.

He knocked him out. Holy shit happy knocked the guy out and Dani was in two minds to go over and jump him bones.

Until she saw that bottle blonde bitch again.

Walking towards happy she saw that blonde give her a smirk. Not even giving her a chance to speak she pulled her fist back and punched her in the jaw

"what the fuck!?"

"Touch my man again and I will end you!"

Dani wrapped an arm around Happy's waist.

"I love you a lot, Hap but I can't be in a relationship where you're half in-half out... It's not fair. I'm putting my all into this and you're not doing this same. You want us back together then give it up. Give them up... you told me once before that nothing's as good as me, no one's as good as me then why keep them around? That's so stupid. You wanted us back together" giving him a kiss on his check she left him alone to think as she went in search for her sister


Dancing with her sister she left her worries behind, she had had a few shots and was starting to feel a light buzz and she loved it.

Until she felt someone grab her wrist, fearing it was another guy she was preparing to bite his head off or deck him turning around she stopped herself when she realised it was happy.

Before she could even argue or say anything really he threw her over his shoulder and made his way to his dorm room. As he entered he put her down and locked the door.

"I'm not good at feelings"

"I know, we  are married happy, I know you"

"I'm not good at this words touchy feely shit"

"I know that too"

"I love you, fuck I wouldn't have married you if I did, considered I weren't gonna get married ever, or even have an old lady. And then you fucking ruined it" this caused her to laugh

Rolling his eyes "I choose you"

"What did you say?" She questioned teasingly

"Fuck off"


Before he could even convey what was happening her hands went to his belt buckle to do undo it.

Freeing his member she stroked it as she went and got down on her knees, licking a stripe up the side she felt happy groan, she sucked the head, hollowing her cheeks she started bobbing up and down as far as she could go as happy created a make shift pony tail with her hair to guide her faster, using her teeth to gently scrape across she felt him shudder. Placing one hand on his thigh she used the other to fondle his balls as he thrusted forward feeling him at the back of her throat, she knew he was close, bobbing her head faster his breathing had become faster and shallower as he let out another groan, using her hand she stroked the part that couldn't fit in his mouth, thus causing his orgasm as he emptied his load in her mouth releasing him she swallowed, stood up and wiped her mouth.

Smiling at him he grabbed her and threw her on the bed.

Oh it was going to be a long night.

Words: 1034
Sorry it's took me a while to update!
Hope you enjoy
Also tell me what you would like to see happen between happy/Dani

Thank you! 😊

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