I can get it covered | chapter 2

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It had been a few days since the showdown / reunion with happy and Dani had been avoiding him every since, but today was my sisters wedding so they kind of had to be in the same room.

But that doesn't mean I couldn't tease him.

Wearing a short tight black dress that she knew he loved, but still looking somewhat respectable, she had on my black booties, hair curled, make up as usual with my winged eye liner.
I was ready.

And holy shit was I nervous.


Pulling up towards the wedding She got out of the car and made her way to the wedding, sitting down in the seats she was in her own world till she felt a presence beside her.

Glancing out of the corner of her eye she saw happy eyeing her up and down deciding to play with him a little I crossed my legs letting the dress up her thighs, smirking a little when she hears happy growl.

"I know what you're doing little girl" happy growled
Flashing an innocent smile at him "I have no idea what you're on about"

As the wedding started, she was listening half heartedly however that went out the window as she felt happy's hand on her knee

"Stop it" she hissed at him
Apparently he heard 'move your hand up higher' so he did moving his hand
further up her thigh, smirking when he saw the blush that arose on her face.

Wanting nothing more than to smack his hand away and then his face she knew she couldn't
partly because she didn't want to either
Just as she was focusing she felt his fingertips move up and down her thing, with feather like touches causing goosebumps erupt.

Only being pulled back to earth when she hears
treat you as good as my leather
And ride you as much as my Harley

Well that brings back unwanted memories
Turning to look at happy and finding he was already looking at her.
They were both thinking of their wedding.

Brushing his hand of her leg she stood up pulled her dressed down a bit and waltzed of to wherever the hell the alcohol was.


Walking up to the bar and asking for a shot of tequila, she downed it in one, wincing slightly at the burn.

Before she could even order another one someone grabbed her by the crook of elbow and dragged her to one of the dorm rooms


Pushing her in and slamming the door shut she turned around and of course it was happy.

Crossing her arms and narrowing his eyes at him "can I help you" she asked drily

"What do you think you are doing little girl, wearing that dress?"

"That is none of your goddamn business, we're not together anymore!"

"Like hell we're not, you wear my crow!"

"I can get it covered! you have my name tattood on you, but I bet that didn't stop you from sleeping with half the crow eaters that are just in this place alone! and I hate to break it to you but I weren't exactly a nun these past two years!"

"You let another man touch you" he said in a low voice

"More than one!" She retorted

he walked towards her, every step he took forward she took one back until she was backed against the door, her heartbeat increasing as happy towered over her

Speaking lowly "did the make your heartbeat rise
Kiss to her jaw
Did they make you scream
A tug on her earlobe
Did they make your legs go numb
A kiss on her sensitive spot
Did they make you orgasm so hard you nearly passed out"
Sucking on her sensitive spot he caused he to let out a breathy moan

Looking up at him she hated that smirk, but she couldn't help herself he knew her too well, clashing there mouths together in a hungry kiss their tongues battling as she bit his bottom lip, causing him to groan.

That groan brought her out of their reverie, realising what she was doing she pushed him off of her

"No! Happy stop!"
"I can't do this" she whimpered, tears falling down her face
"You don't get to cheat on me more than once, then not even fight for me when I leave, then act all territorial when you find out I slept with other men when we aren't even together anymore"

"That crow tattoo, means you're mine you and your pussy! If I find whoever they were I'll kill them all! And anyone else you go near!"

"Then I'll get it covered up!"

"You wouldn't fucking dare!"

"Try me hap! You. Don't. Own. Me.
You didn't the second you got your dick wet in another girl!"

"You still love me!"

Tears were streaming down Dani's face thank god for waterproof mascara and eyeliner
"That was never the problem hap, I just don't trust you, were done, sign the papers please"
She told him before rushing out of that room to and empty space where she effectively broke down.

Tears were streaming down Dani's face thank god for waterproof mascara and eyeliner "That was never the problem hap, I just don't trust you, were done, sign the papers please"She told him before rushing out of that room to and empty space where sh...

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Words: 845
I'm not sure about this chapter! Please comment what you think! Pleaseee
Thank you! 😊😊

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