falling into your ocean eyes

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Mickey had officially been living with the Gallagher clan for a month. He went to work throughout the week and spent the entire weekend with Ian. While the boys were inseparable yet again, it was purely friendly. Mickey was holding his ground in making sure Ian knew that he was serious about needing some time. 

Ian began to grow impatient with the older boy. All he wanted was to hold him and kiss him, he wanted him to be his again. He understood that Mick needed his space for the time being, but he needed to hold the boy. His body was yearning for him. 

Ian was laying in his bed on a Friday night, simply staring at the ceiling. The past few days had been harder for him than most. Every night, Mickey was coming home from work and stripping before heading to the shower. It was driving Ian insane seeing him half naked every day and not even being able to kiss him hello. They hadn't talked about them as a couple since the night that Ian brought Mickey to the house.  

He could hear Mickey arrive home from work downstairs. He heard Liam get excited to see him and Fiona ask him if he wanted dinner. He smiled slightly at how much his family had accepted the boy. He groaned slightly to himself. He could feel his low depressive mood coming on, and he simply didn't want it to come. Ian did the best he could to be constantly positive with Mickey, he didn't want him to see him at his lowest points. He heard Mickey coming up the stairs and quickly curled into a ball and brought the blankets over his head. He knew he couldn't fight the mood coming on. 

Mickey opened the door and took off his shirt, tossing it with the other dirty clothes on the floor. He began to take off his pants when he realized Ian was in the room. 

"What're you hiding from Army?" He stated simply, not completely taking off his pants yet as he felt like something was wrong. He heard some mumbles but couldn't completely understand what he had said. He slowly headed to the edge of the bed and sat down. He thought about placing a hand on Ian in comfort, but he wasn't sure if he should. 

"What's that mumbles?" He asked lightly, beginning to worry about the boy. 

"Fuck off." Ian said more clearly, earning a slight recoil from Mickey. He didn't say anything in response. He took his pants off and went to the bathroom, turning on the shower. He stripped himself of his underwear and took a look in the mirror. All of his bruises had finally disappeared and all of his scrapes were slowly just turning into scars. He stepped into the shower and began to do his regular shower stuff when he heard a bang coming from downstairs. It sounded like it was the front door, so he stopped what he was doing and listened more carefully. 

"Who the fuck are you?" He heard Fiona yell and footsteps coming up the stairs. He turned the shower off and quickly dried himself off, throwing on his underwear. He was about to open the door to the bathroom when he heard him. 

"Where the fuck is he Ian?" Dylan shouted. Mickey immediately panicked and quietly locking the door. He felt himself starting to panic and felt bad for not helping Ian. He simply stopped listening to what was occurring and his eyes immediately travelled to the razor that was sat on one of the shelves. 

On the other side of the door, Ian groaned and let his head out from under the blanket while asking who. When he looked at the man, he shot out of the bed. The depressive episode was completely thrown into anger. He stood from the bed and swiftly walked over to Dylan in the hallway and grabbed him by the throat, tossing him up against the wall. His grip still strong on the evil mans throat, he eyed the man up and down. 

"You have got some fucking nerve coming here you fucking piece of shit." Ian growled, not loosening his grip. 

"He fucking loves me Ian he need to be with me." Dylan sputtered, his breathing being mostly cut off not enough to kill him - Ian knew his strength. Ian laughed evilly before quickly cutting it off. 

"He doesn't fucking love you, you treated him like a fucking play toy. That man is the best god damn person who has ever come into anyones life and you treat him like that? How fucking dare you." Ian spat, throwing the brunette to the floor, quickly sitting on top of him and clocking him roughly in the jaw. He grabbed his throat again before continuing. 

"All you are is a rapist, abusing scumbag." Ian spat again, punching him once again. He leaned in real close to the mans ear. "And guess what? He never stopped loving me, told me himself." He sat back in the mans torso, staring at him. "Oh and you ever come back to this house or anywhere near Mickey again I will personally kill you." He simply stated, before a hard fist hit his nose, knocking him out completely. 

With that, Ian stood and told Fiona to go get Kev. A few moments later Kev walked in, him and Ian dragging the unconscious man to the curb and leaving him there. Ian walked back into the house and lit up a smoke. He walked up the steps ignoring all questions coming from his family. 

He walked up to his bedroom and slowly opened the door. Mickey was sat on the bed, looking completely stunned. When he realized Ian was in the doorway he stared up at him. Without warning, Mickey stood and quickly wrapped Ian into a hug. Ian could feel the wetness from Mickey's tears on his shirt, but didn't mind. He was just happy to have the boy in his arms. 

"Thank you, Ian. Thank you." Mickey kept whispering into Ian's chest. Ian just simply nodded and held the boy. 

After a few minutes, Ian stepped back and let Mickey go. Mickey stepped back as well and tugged on some jeans. He had yet to notice that he had not covered his new slashes on his wrist. Ian looked down innocently enough when he noticed them. His stomach dropped and he gasped loudly. 

"Mick." He breathed, grabbing Mickey's arm and dragging him back to the bathroom. He immediately started to wash the cuts and putting some bandaids over them. Mickey stayed silent the whole time, feeling embarrassed for getting caught. He kept his head bowed as he allowed the redhead to fix his arm up. 

"Mickey... why did you do this baby?" Ian whispered, not catching the last word in enough time. He started to panic, slowly looking up at Mickey, hoping he would brush it off. 

"When I'm scared, it's the only thing that makes me feel like I'm in control." Mickey whispered back, his eyes still pouring tears. Ian tried to catch his gaze but he simply couldn't. Ian bowed his head and felt the tears start to pour out of his own eyes. 

"Hey, Ian?" The black haired boy mumbled. Ian did not respond, just simply grunted, trying to hide his tears. 

"I love you." 

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