if it hurts this much, it must be love.

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The day Ian told Mickey he was done, was undoubtably the worst day of Mickey's life. He had completely fallen head over heels for the ginger boy. He was in love. He did so many things for Ian. He came out for him, as terrified as he was. 

The boy had cheated on Mickey. It completely fucking shattered him. But he forgave him, because no matter what he did wrong, he loved Ian with all of his fucking might. But instead, Ian snapped on Mickey. 

"I can't fucking do this Mickey." Ian spat. 

"I don't understand Ian, I forgive you! It's okay that you cheated, I'll be okay!" Mickey shouted back, tears in his eyes. 

"God Mick. I can't be your boyfriend, understand? You think you can just come out to everyone and I'm going to fucking fall to my knees and praise you? God. The only reason I stick around is because you're a good fuck. You're so fucking insecure you can't even let me go for cheating on you! I fucked another guy! I fucked him good. And you're still being a fucking pushover." He scoffed at the older man. 

Mickey was crying now, reaching forward to touch Ian's hand. He sharply pulled his hand away from the fragile man. 

"Please.. Ian... I love you." Mickey whispered. Ian rolled his eyes at him. 

"Don't be a fucking bitch, Mick." He spat. "We're fucking done." 

With that, he turned on his heel and left Mickey a broken mess. 

Mickey sat in his room, replaying that horrible night over and over again. It had been weeks since it happened and his heart was still aching to be held by the younger redhead. A tear slipped out of his eye, falling slowly down his cheek. 

He pursed his lips, bringing the cigarette to his mouth. He deeply inhaled the smoke, holding in his lungs for a few moments before exhaling. He took a swig of the beer that was being held in his left hand. 

He jumped slightly at his phone ringing. He sighed, fishing it out from under his blankets. When he saw the name on the phone his heart skipped a beat. He quickly picked up, pressing the phone to his ear. 

"Ian." He whispered. He didn't hear anything on the other line. He chewed on his lower lip. 

"You home?" Ian spoke gruffly. 

"Y-yes! Yes I'm at home!" Mickey quickly responded. Suddenly the line went dead. Mickey took the phone from his ear and looked at the 'call ended' screen. His heart was racing, thinking about what Ian was going to do. 

Did he want him back? Was he coming over so they could talk things out? 

His mind raced, when suddenly his bedroom door flung open. Standing in the door way was the red haired man he loved so dearly. He stood up, tears daring to brim his eyes. Ian was looking him directly in the eyes, the small contact causing Mickey to smile slightly. 

"I miss you." Mickey whispered quietly. Ian stepped forward, and in one long step he was face to face with Mickey. 

"Pants. Off, now." Ian spoke in a dangerous tone. Mickey quickly did what he was told, his very bones quaking at the explosion happening in his chest. 

"Now bend over the bed." Ian spoke in the same tone. Mickey again followed his commands. 

Without warning (or stretching for that matter), Ian forced himself into Mickey. Mickey yelped in pain, seeing as nothing had been in him since he and Ian had split. 

Ian grabbed the black hair of the older man, ripping his head back. He was relentlessly pounding into him without slowing at all. Eventually Mickey had stretched to Ian's length, and moaned as he felt Ian hitting his g-spot. 

"Oh fuck Ian. I fucking missed you." Mickey groaned. Although Mickey could not see him, Ian rolled his eyes at the older man. 

"Shut the fuck up." Ian said firmly. 

Mickey suddenly felt his stomach drop, realizing what Ian was doing. Ian quickly finished deeply inside of Mickey, pulling out almost immediately. The younger boy tugged his pants up, fixing his hair. 

"I-Ian.. can we talk about everything?" Mickey whispered, standing up and tugging his own pants back on. 

"Nope." Ian said, popping the 'p'. "Not interested in the sappy bullshit. Just came to fuck." With that said, Ian left the room and closed the door. 

Mickey stood in his room, his mind spinning. Tears fell from his eyes as he collapsed to the ground. 

Why was he doing this? 

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