when they left they left me in pieces

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Ian was laying in his bed, completely wiped from a long day of working at the diner with his sister. Fiona got him a job so that he wouldn't just mope around all day from missing Mickey. His thoughts were drowning him everyday, worrying him endlessly if the boy he hurt was okay, where he could be. His phone buzzed from a text that ripped him out of his own mind. 

Lip: Guess who I saw today. 

Ian: Karen Jackson?

Lip: Nope. Mickey.

Ian's breath caught in his throat, not believing his brother one bit. He stared down at the message, trying to make himself breathe. 

Lip: He isn't himself. 

Ian felt his heart tense, worry drowning him once again about the boy that left so many months ago. 

Lip: I'm on the L now. I'll be home in about twenty. Thought I should explain it all in person. 

Ian: Ok.

Ian quickly sat up in his bed, starting to chew on his fingernails. He got up and walked out of his room. 

"Hey Ian, what's up? You alright?" Debbie asked her older brother, noticing that he looked worried. Ian nodded his head. 

"Yeah. Lip's on his way home I'm gonna go wait outside for him." He said quickly, rushing out the door to sit on the porch step. 

He smoked five cigarettes waiting for Lip. It only took him twenty five minutes to get home but the text that Lip sent was worrying Ian. Lip walked up to the porch and took the smoke from between Ian's fingers, taking a drag. He sat down next to his younger brother. 

"W-what's wrong with him?" Ian whispered, scared of the answer. Lip sighed and looked at his younger brother. 

"He's... he's with this guy." Lip started. Ian let out a slight gasp, his heart breaking at the thought of Mickey with someone else. Lip frowned slightly at his brother, knowing that his words hurt him. 

"This guy, Ian. He's hurting Mickey. Not emotionally, but literally beating on him. He was black and fucking blue, and all I saw was his face. I can't imagine what he looks like under the clothes he was wearing." Lip's words were hasty, like he was scared to tell his brother the truth. "He asked how you were, wanted me to say hi." Lip whispered to his brother. 

Ian tried to steady his breathing again, but he hardly could. He fists tightened and his sights were red. He was full of anger. How could someone hurt Mickey? How could Mickey let someone do this to him? 

"Where did you see him?" Ian whispered, his words sounding like poison. 

"A bar on the north side, guess he's living up by the college now." Lip knew it was best to not lie to Ian when he got angry. "Ian, I don't think you should go see him. Not now at least. That guy, he's a real douche. He was ready to break my neck for just talking to Mickey at all. Cool down before you try and find him." 

Ian nodded lightly, knowing he would probably kill the guy if he went to find Mickey now. He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. All that was flashing through his brain were the good times with Mickey. He could see his black hair and his blue eyes, he was flashing that bright smile at him with his eyebrows raised all the way up. The image calmed Ian, thinking of the times where he was happiest. 

"Thanks for letting me know Lip." Ian looked at his older brother, thankful that he let him know instead of burying it. The whole family knew not to mention Mickey's name because Ian would become sad almost instantly. But not Lip. He knew to tread the topic lightly, and only talked about it when Ian wanted to talk about it. 

Ian walked back inside and back to his room. He laid down in his bed and thought about Mickey being in pain. Being hurt by some guy who didn't even really know Mickey. He thought about when he found Mickey in his room with his wrists cut because of how much Ian had hurt him. Tears started to build up in his eyes, and he let them run. He still hurt so badly knowing that none of this would have happened if he had just never left Mickey. 

He woke up the next morning with a mission in mind. He was going to find Mickey. 

He hopped on the L and took it to where Lip usually got off to go to school. He roamed around a while, trying to think of how the hell he was going to find Mickey. He walked around the unknown territory for a while, wracking his brain. He decided to ask Lip where he saw him. 

Ian: Where did you see Mickey?

Lip: At a bar, the Olde Village. Ask around there see if anyone knows where he's living.

Ian: Okay, thanks. 

Ian typed in the bars name into his phones map, seeing it was only three blocks away. 

He arrived at the bar at around 6:30 pm, looking around and only seeing old drunks. He walked to the bar and grabbed the attention of the bartender. 

"Hey, I'm looking for a friend. Kinda average height, black hair, blue eyes?" Ian asked, trying his best to not sound suspicious. 

"Mickey?" The bartender asked, making Ian's heart skip a beat. He smiled at the bartender. 

"Yeah, Mickey. You know where he lives? Just trying to catch up with him. Old friend." Ian told the man, earning a nod. 

"Yeah, big old apartment building around the corner. Might wanna take it easy though. His boyfriend doesn't seem to like old friends coming around." Ian nodded, thanking the bartender before leaving. He went around the corner to find the apartment building. 

He walked in the doors of the old building, walking to the desk that was in the lobby. He rang the bell and a young women walked out of the back room. 

"Hey sweetheart, how can I help you?" She asked, not flirting but just warmly. 

"Mickey Milkovich live in this building?" She nodded her head at him, giving him a sweet smile. 

"Yeah, he just came in from work. Apartment 14, second floor." She smiled. Ian nodded and thanked her brightly. He climbed the stairs to the second floor, scanning each apartment before he finally landed on 14. He took a shaky breath and knocked lightly on the door. 

A few seconds passed before a man Ian didn't know opened the door. 

"Can I help you?" He asked rudely, causing Ian to scowl inwardly. Ian knew this was the man who was hurting Mickey, but did not act irrationally. 

"Hey, sorry I'm Alex. Work friend of Mickey's. He around?" Ian spoke gruffly. He thought Mickey may have told him about Ian, so he decided to give himself a different name. The man gave him a shady look, not fully trusting him. He still turned and yelled into the apartment. 

"Mick, work friend at the door for you." He turned back to Ian and gave him a hard glare. Mickey came to the door, stopping dead in his tracks. His eye's bugged out and his heart rate sped rapidly. 

"Alex here wants to talk to you." Dylan spoke gruffly. 

"Yeah! A few of us guys are going out for a drink, wanted to see if you would come." Ian spoke between his teeth, praying to god that Mickey would just do it. 

"We would love to." Dylan spoke, still not trusting Ian. 

"Hmm, yeah. Work guys only. You wouldn't get it." Ian spat, not wanting to be anywhere near this guy. Mickey quickly nodded his head. 

"Y-yeah... Dylan don't worry I'll be home later." He smiled slightly at Dylan, throwing on his coat and trying to rush out the door. Dylan caught his arm and dragged him towards him. He roughly kissed Mickey's lips, causing Ian's breath to hitch. He coughed slightly, causing the two boys to break apart. Dylan stared into Ian's eyes, causing Ian's fists to clutch. 

Mickey noticed and quickly rushed out of the apartment closing the door behind him, shoving Ian out of the doorway with him. 

Mickey stared at him and rushed down the hall. "We can't talk here he'll be listening." Mickey whispered, motioning Ian to follow him. 

What the hell did this guy do to Mickey? 

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