i never meant to start a fire, i never meant to make you bleed

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Fiona hung up her phone, sighing slightly. Her panic dwindled away after the call from the police station wasn't for one of her siblings. She sat up in her bed, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, why they were calling her about Mickey getting locked up. She wiped her face with her hands, standing up. She walked to the boys bedroom, quietly opening the door. The only boy in the room was Ian. He had his blankets over his head but she could hear him whimpering. She frowned slightly, sitting down on the edge of his bed. 

"Ian... you okay?" She whispered, moving the blanket down so that his head was peaking out. She saw his red eyes and frowned even deeper. She ran her fingers through his ginger hair, rubbing circles on his temples. 

"What the hell is wrong with me, Fi?" He whispered, his words breaking with sadness. Fiona leaned her head on his shoulder lightly, worried about her little brother. 

"What do you mean?" She whispered back, still lightly rubbing circles on his head. 

"I hurt him so badly. I tried to fix it, but I can't. I'm a fuck up. He loved me so much, and I ruined it." Ian whimpered lightly. He shut his eyes tight, trying not to focus on the pain he saw in Mickey's eyes. Fiona stayed silent, unsure how to reply to her brother. She thought about telling him that he was locked up, that they had called them, but decided to push it aside for a while. 

"He started to ... hurt himself Fiona. Because of me." Ian whispered, finally turning to face his sister. She pondered lightly at this, wondering how the bad boy had been broken so badly by Ian. 

"Ian.. The things you're doing aren't much different." She whispered back. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're always hyped up on something, Ian. I see right through you. I know when you're high. I was the only one who was old enough to notice the mannerisms with Monica when she was still around." She continued. 

Ian sighed lightly, looking away from his older sister. He felt ashamed for turning into his mother, killing herself slowly with all the drugs she was taking before she left. Fiona rubbed his cheek with her palm, trying to look in his eyes. He couldn't look at her, he felt so disappointed in himself. 

"Ian. Look at me." She mumbled. He hesitantly looked up to meet her eyes. "You aren't her, okay? You're going through shit. You're okay." She whispered to him, bending down to kiss his forehead. "I'm so proud of the man you are becoming, just please. Enough with all the drugs okay? They're only going to make everything worse." He nodded lightly to her, deciding he was going to quit doing the shit he was doing. 

She smiled lightly at her young ginger brother. 

"One more thing, the police station just called me." She whispered, causing Ian to panic about his siblings. Fiona quickly waved her hand. "Not any of ours." He looked at her confused. "Yours." She mumbled. He became even more confused, not understanding what she was trying to get at. 

She sighed slightly. "It's...Mickey. He's in the drunk tank. He trashed Kash and Grab." She spoke lightly. "I think they called me to try and get to you. At least, I'm assuming Mickey would rather see your face when he wakes up than mine." She chuckled lightly. 

"Not likely." Ian mumbled. Fiona gave him a sad smile, kissing his forehead once again. 

"Think about it. He needs to be picked up around 7 if Linda doesn't want to press charges." She whispered, leaving Ian in his room alone. 

He laid awake, staring up at the ceiling. He was contemplating whether or not to go pick him up. He went back and forth in his brain, trying to figure out what the better route would be. Suddenly, his phones alarm was blaring making him jump. He turned off the alarm, noticing that it was six in the morning. He sighed, frustrated that he hand't gotten any sleep. 

He decided to fist stop by Kash and Grab to see Linda. After Kash left, her and Ian became closer. They both hated the man for abandoning his family, they quickly bonded over it. He knew because of what Mickey had done, she would be at the store. 

When he arrived at the store it was 6:15, and when Linda saw him she sighed lightly. Ian pulled the woman into a hug, knowing how frustrated she must be. 

"I'm sorry he did this. It's my fault." Ian whispered. She nodded her head. "Can you do something for me?" He asked, pulling away from her slightly. She looked up at him, nodding for him to go on and ask. 

"I have the money to repair and replace everything that got broken. Can you please not press charges?" Ian asked, knowing it was a lot to ask. Linda looked up at the young man, his eyes pleading her. She sighed, bringing her hand to her face, pressing the bridge of her nose. 

"Only because I like you, Ian. You better get this place fixed." She told him with a smile. Ian face beamed back at her, as he dragged her into another big hug. He handed her his credit card, telling her to use however much she needed, and wrote down the pin on a piece of paper. He kissed her head lightly, turning on his heel and running to the cop shop. 

He arrived and told the guard who he was there for. The guard nodded his head, calling Linda to ask if she was pressing charges. They conversed for a few moments, before the man hung up the phone. 

"Alright, follow me." The guard said gruffly. Ian followed him to an office. He signed some paperwork in order to release Mickey. The guard took the  sheets had signed and placed them on a separate side of his desk. Ian continued to follow the guard and was told to wait in a separate room for Mickey. 

Mickey was awoken to his cell being opened. He groaned at the hangover he had and rubbed his face. 

"Milkovich, the store owner isn't pressing charges. You're getting picked up." The guard told Mickey. Mickey stood and began to follow the man. He assumed they called Mandy or something and he was mentally preparing himself for the lecture he was gonna get. 

The guard opened the door and Mickey stopped in his tracks. 

"Hey, Mick." Ian whispered. Mickey's head felt like it was going to explode from the hangover and the confusion. He stared at Ian for a few moments, taking a few steps forward. The door closed behind him. 

"The fuck are you doing here?" Mickey grumbled. The guard looked at Ian, being confused. 

"We asked you who to call last night and you said Gallagher. We called the girl and she said she would send her brother." The guard mumbled, looking back and forth between the two boys. 

"So here I am." Ian whispered, desperately looking for a hint of thankfulness in Mickey's eyes.

Mickey stared at him, hard. Finally after a few moments he shoved past Ian to leave. 

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