home is where your heart is set in stone.

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Ian woke up to the bright sunlight beaming into the room. He smiled lightly as he felt the body next to him shift lightly. He opened his eyes slowly, doing his best adjust to the light. He wrapped his arm around the older boy who had his back against him. Ian shifted the boy closer to his body, burying his head into his neck, inhaling his scent.

Ian had missed being able to hold the boy dearly, and he finally he was. It had been two months of strictly kissing and still being friendly. Mickey had become much more open about how he was feeling and what he was ready for. While they weren't screwing around like they used to, Ian could tell he was at least ready to put a label back on the two. He looked at the clock on the nightstand and noticed it was time for Mickey to get ready for work. 

"Wake up, Mick. You gotta get ready for work." The younger boy mumbled into the boys skin, not wanting him to leave at all. 

Mickey woke to the sound of Ian telling him to get ready for work. He smiled gently at the feeling of the boy holding him so tightly. They stayed in the position for a few moments before Mickey groaned and started to shift to get up. 

"Mmm, I was just kidding don't leave." Ian smiled, his words groggy from tiredness. Mickey laughed lightly and pulled on a pair of jeans. 

"You wish." The raven haired boy replied with a snarky tone. Ian simply flipped him off and pulled the covers higher up on his body, curling up in the warmth. Mickey continued to get ready for work, walking to the bathroom and brushing his teeth. When he was done he came back to the bedroom to find Ian fast asleep. He smiled slightly at the boy, enjoying the view for a few moments. He finally leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the boys temple. He turned on his heel and was nearly out of the bedroom when Ian spoke again.

"Gimme a real kiss." He mumbled, smirking at Mickey. Mickey laughed lightly and returned to Ian. He gently pressed his lips against Ian's and ran his fingers through his messy hair. 

"You have gross morning breath. I'll see you tonight." Mickey whispered, finally leaving the room. Ian listened tentatively for the front door to close. When it finally did he hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. He quickly showered and brushed his teeth and was ready to start his day.  Today was the day he was going to officially ask Mickey to be his once again. He smiled lightly at the thought. 

He walked down to the kitchen, obviously smiling a little too brightly as everyone in the room was staring at him. 

"What you get laid or something finally?" Lip snorted, seeing as he was home for the summer. Ian rolled his eyes and flipped his older brother off. 

"No. Gonna ask him to be my boyfriend." Ian simply stated, not being able to wipe the grin off his face. He poured himself a coffee and had no more questions came his way. The family continued to chatter loudly and go about their conversations. 

In his head, Ian was trying to figure out the perfect way to ask Mickey. He was truly wracking his brain to try and figure out something that wouldn't be too cheesy, seeing as if it was cheesy Mickey would just make fun of him and tell him to fuck off. 

He decided his safest bet would to just get him hammered and follow the flow of the night. He sighed lightly and finished his coffee. 

"So how you gonna do it?" Fiona brought him out of his thoughts. He realized that everyone had left and felt silly for being so out of it. He shook his head and turned to Fiona. 

"Think I'm just gonna get him drunk and really hope for the best." Ian simply stated, a smile on his face. Fiona laughed loudly, starting to clean the dishes.

"Yeah that sounds like it would work best for you two." She continued to laugh, Ian joining in lightly. He shifted over to the sink and helped Fiona finish up the dishes. They cleaned and put everything away in silence. 

"Well, hope it goes for well for you Ian." She smiled at her younger brother, reaching out and ruffling his hair slightly. He scoffed and quickly fixed his hair and gave her a quick thanks. Soon after, Fiona left the house to go to work. 

Ian stood in the kitchen, absorbing the silence for a while. He smiled lightly to himself, taking in a deep breath. He smiled brightly, not feeling this happy in a while. He walked up the stairs and decided to change into something semi nice. 

He threw on some tight black jeans, a white t-shirt and a navy button up. He left it unbuttoned and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked damn good. He smiled at himself and decided he was going to chose an outfit for Mickey. 

He brought out the older boys nice black jeans as well, knowing how well they fit his ass. He tossed them on the bed and rifled through their clothes. He finally found a nice grey dress shirt and smiled, knowing that this shirt also fit him very well. He tossed it on the bed as well and left the room. 

He walked back downstairs, hearing Debs arrive home from school. 

"Hey Debs! Can you do me a favor tonight?" He asked, sounding overly-giddy about the evening. Debbie raised her eyebrow at him and nodded lightly. 

"Awesome! When Mickey gets home from work tell him to get changed into the things that are on our bed and meet me at our spot." He beamed, quickly giving her a hug and running out the door. 

What? He wanted to be fancy and cute for once.  

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