you'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you

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The boys came back into the rhythm they were so familiar with. They spent all of their free time together. Whether it be sex or just hanging out and getting drunk - everything felt normal again. 

It wasn't until two weeks after everything had come back together, did Mickey really see how Ian could be. 

The older boy returned from work and kicked off his shoes. He entered the kitchen and said hello to the Gallagher clan. He conversed with them for a few minutes when he realized Ian wasn't around. 

"Where is Ian?" Mickey asked the group. They all shrugged and nodded upstairs - where they assumed he was. Mickey climbed the stairs, looking for his boyfriend. (He just loved that he got to call him that again) 

He arrived at the bedroom door and slowly opened it. He could see the shape of Ian under the covers, facing the wall. 

"Hey Army. You wanna go get some drinks tonight? It's friday!" Mickey asked, quickly changing out of his sweaty t-shirt. He didn't hear a response, but didn't exactly panic over it. He walked to the foot of the bed, to try and get a slight glimpse at Ian's face to see if he was sleeping. 

He soon realized that Ian wasn't sleeping at all, he was simply blankly staring at the peeling paint on the walls. Mickey furrowed his brow and shook Ian's leg lightly. 

"You hear me Ian?" The black haired boy asked more quietly, not wanting to startle the boy. 

"Get the fuck out." Ian grumbled lowly, not taking his eyes off the wall. Mickey raised his eyebrows slightly, but simply walked out of the room. He shut the door behind him and rubbed his hands across his face. He walked into the bathroom and did his business. It was then he realized that maybe this lashout had something to do with his meds. 

He walked downstairs to the kitchen where everyone else was. He decided against asking Fiona as she would probably overreact, and settled on Lip. He walked over to the oldest Gallagher boy and tapped his shoulder.

"Yo, come out for a smoke." Mickey simply stated, motioning for him to follow. Lip obliged, knowing that the Milkovich didn't really talk to him unless he absolutely needed to. 

They walked out the front door and sat on the porch, each lighting their smokes and sitting in silence for a moment. 

"What's Ian like when he's off his meds?" Mickey asked quietly, really not liking the topic of discussion. Lip looked over at the thug with confused eyes, taking a deep drag of his cigarette before replying. 

"That depends." He started, "He can either be really high energy - like bouncing off the walls overly excited. Or, he could be really low. Won't get out of bed, won't talk anybody, doesn't like anyone being around him and just stares blankly for like days at a time." Lip finished, looking over to Mickey to try and find a clue if one of those things were happening. Mickey nodded lightly, not looking towards the oldest Gallagher boy. 

"The second one." Mickey whispered lightly, becoming very aware of how bad this truly was. Lip nodded lightly and continued to smoke. 

"Want me to talk to him?" Lip asked, wondering if Mickey wasn't able to handle this. Mickey furiously shook his head no. 

"No, I'll handle it. Just ... do me a solid and don't fuckin' tell Fiona. I know she'll overreact and get all upset and then pissed at me for not fuckin' taking care of it." Mickey ordered, which Lip happily obliged. He knew how over protective Fiona could be - especially with Ian now. He also knew how much Ian fucking hated his sister treating him like a baby. 

The two boys finished their smokes, and Mickey said a quick thanks to the boy before returning upstairs. He walked into the bathroom and stared down at the pill bottles that had Ian's name plastered across them. He sighed deeply. 

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