Chapter Five: Seriously?!

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*Chapter Five: Seriously?!*

[Andrea's POV]

One of Annie's best friends left earlier today. I hate that friend the most. I never got her name though. Oh, well! I can live without it. All the girls, expect me, we're crying over this chick. They really need to man up and get over it! I can't stand when girls cry over stupid things. Like, why? It makes you look even dumber. Annie came up to me with some tears in her eyes.
She questioned, "My best friend just left, why aren't you crying? Don't you care about her?"
"You really think I would cry over someone, I hate, leaving?! The only tears I'm shedding are tears of joy! One less bitch I've got to care about." I said not caring one bit.
"You're soo selfish! No one like you!" She ran off crying.
I replied, "Says the girl who would literally marry themselves. I really don't care if no one likes me! Just less drama to deal with!"

~ 6 Years Later ~

I woke up, wanting more sleep like always. Time to survive another day in this prison I call 'home'. I turned on my laptop and pulled up YouTube. "TheBajanCanadian uploaded a new video." I clicked on the new Hunger Games with Jerome. Mitch has been my favorite YouTuber for a long time now. I've gotten a lot of minecraft merch since I've been in the orphanage. There's no one to hide it from. By the end of the video, I was on the floor laughing so much. Glad I'm in the back so no one can here me. My stomach started to legit hurt! I looked up at the clock, 8:54. I was going to get breakfast soon. I didn't change out of my pjs because I really don't care!
'No one's friends with you already, so why try to convince them?' I thought to myself. Everyone hated me so much, I got my own room! Score for me. They all thought I was nerdy and gross cause I like minecraft and other games. I didn't want to hide that fact that I like 'nerdy' games anymore.

I came down stairs to the smell of bacon. BACON. It's one of my favorite foods of all time. I filled my plate with delicious food. I eat faster than you could snap. Our director called for our attention.
"Girls! Settle down! A man will come in today to adopt one of you as his sister!" She announced. All the girls cried in joy.
The lady continued, "Remember our motto, 'Dress to Impress.' He's coming at 1:00!" I absolute hated out motto. I ain't pleasing nobody, but myself. It was about 9:15, little less than 4 hours till this man comes.

I walked back to my room. I turned on my phone pressing the Music app. I hit shuffled and laid back. I sang to any song that came on, no one can here me back here. I did this for about an hour. I went back to YouTube. ASFJerome uploaded a new video called, "Adopting A Sister." I was curious and watched it. He planned to adopt a sister today! Was he coming here? What if he adopts me? I know I'm 19, but I can't leave this place till I'm 20 or get adopted. It's their special rule. My 20th birthday was in a few more week. I could finally leave this prison.

"12:00" the clock read. I decided to get ready. I took a quick shower slipped into my PMO shirt and some comfy shorts. I even got their signatures. It's one of the only good memories I had at the orphanage. I decided not to wear shoes and just put on some socks. I put my hair in it's signature kinds high ponytail. Brushed my teeth and put on like 1% of makeup, a hint of mascara and eyeliner. 12:37. I got some time to kill. I went to one of the secret spots.

I heard a voice call all 17-19 year-old girls to the main floor. All of us girls lived in the 2nd or 3rd floor. I walked downstairs. Every girl was wearing some type of dress or skirt. They follow the motto. I'm totally different though. I got in my place in line, last. I pulled out my phone and played on it not caring or looking anywhere else. I knew I would never get adopted. I heard the door open and close. Our director was taking to the man. I never looked up.
She announced, "Girls, this is Mr. Aceti. He is going to adopt a girl as a sister." I swear I've heard that name before, but from where? He went down the line of girls. There was about 100 of us. He asked each of us a couple of questions. I heard his voice from afar, it sounded so familiar. I just ignored it, waiting for my turn.
"So, is this an anti or a power move?" He asked while tugging on my shirt. I finally put my phone away in my back pocket, still not looking up.
I said, "Of course it's a power move! I even got their signatures!"
"I signed it right..... here." He replied pointing at ASFJerome's signature. At first I was confused, till I looked up. I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing in front of my was the only and only ASFJerome! He must of noticed me staring.
"So by the shirt and reaction, I'm guessing your a fan?" Jerome questioned.
"That correct! Awesome channel, keep up the good work ." I said still in shock on what just happened.
"My name is Andrea, by the way!" I said because I didn't mention it earlier. He nodded and walked over to our director. I pulled out my phone, knowing the decision would take a couple minutes. I wouldn't get adopted though.
"Mr. Aceti has made his decision." Caroline, our director, announced. Everyone cheered but me. I was checking Instagram and texting Sarah on how I met ASFJerome!! I got the guts to tell her on how I liked minecraft.
"I would like Andrea as my new sister!" Jerome semi-yelled. All eyes were on me.
"Are you serious?! You want ME to be YOUR sister?!" I asked in shock. He smile and nodded. I was feeling out in the inside.
Caroline began to talk, "Andrea, if you could go to your room and pack your things. Come back as soon as possible. I need Mr. Aceti to fill out some paperwork." I ran up to my room and started packing immediately. I finally got to use my check list I made a while back. I finished on about 20-30 minutes. I was moving away and not shedding a tear. I would only miss my room. I walked back down stairs and set my stuff by the front entrance. I had the biggest smile on my face I've had in years.

[Jerome's POV]

I missed my sister. She died of cancer when I was about 10. I had many great memories with her. I wanted another sister to make more memories with. I didn't want a little one, so I decided to adopt own around my age. Since I live with my friends, I talked to them about it. They all agreed and were happy. I decided to tell my subscribers my plan. "Adopting A Sister" just uploaded.

I arrived at the orphanage or adoption center. I don't know what to call it! I told the building earlier that I would come at 1:00. I walked in to see a line of less than 100 girls. All were in dress or skirts except one. She was wearing a t-shirt, some comfy looking shorts, and just socks! She didn't even wear shoes! By the looks, her motto is, "Don't care what others think." She didn't look up from her phone, everyone else was like robots being told what to do. I has a good feeling. I talked to the director, Caroline.
She announced, "Girls, this Mr. Aceti. He is going to to adopt a girl as a sister." I asked each girl a couple questions about themselves, but all I got was- I love dresses, makeup, fashion, shopping, or something I didn't care about. I heard it so much, I would punch the next person to say any of those words. Some of the girls even flirted with me! Like ew no, that's disgusting. The girl they was different was last in line. I'm guessing she's the adnormal one. I noticed her PMO shirt.
"So, is this an anti or a power move?" I asked while tugging on her shirt. She finally put her phone away in her back pocket, still not looking up.
She said, "Of course it's a power move! I even got their signatures!" I searched for my name.
"I signed right.... here" I replied pointing at my ASFJerome signature. She look up in shock. I guess she finally realized who I was.
"So by the shirt and reaction, in guessing your a fan?" I asked.
"That's correct! Awesome channel, keep up the good work!" She said still looking like she was in shock.
"My name is Andrea, by the way." she said. I realized she didn't say it earlier. I didn't ask for it! I just nodded and walked over to the director. We talked for a few minutes. I turned around and saw Andrea in her phone again. She was different, a good different.
"Mr. Aceti has made his decision." Caroline, the director, announced. All girls cheered except Andrea.
"I would like to Andrea as my new sister!" I semi-yelled. Oops?
"Are you serious?! You want ME to be YOUR sister?!" she asked filled with shock and excitement. I just smiled and nodded. I think I just made her day, maybe her life?
Caroline began to talk, "Andrea, if you could go to your room and pack your things. Come back as soon as possible. I need Mr. Aceti to fill out some paperwork." She ran upstairs and I walked over to a desk to fill out some boring paper work. Then something unexpected happened.


im so so so so sorry for not posting yesterday. i missed a day:( since i was lazy yesterday, you will get TWO chapters today! this chapter and the next one. hope 2 chapters in one day makes up for my mistakes. I'll see all y'all lost gamers later! bye!

- Andrea, TheLostGamer

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