The casino dancer

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Piroletta spun around the empty casino dance area. She loved it when she had the dance floor to herself, she had more room to move and glide freely. She just wished someone else in the casino knew how to dance. She's already tried King Dice, whom she knows can dance, but he refuses. She's even tried the Tipsy Troop, but they all would pass out from drinking and exhaustion.
Then, a crash was heard. Piroletta hurried to the sight, and found Darnell in the middle of a pile of balls. Darnell has stars over her head, then she shook her head and looked up at Piroletta.
"Help?", Darnell asked. Pirolette chuckled and helped her out.
"Darnell sweety, how did this happen?", Piroletta pointed to the pile.
"Well,", Darnell started.
"I was practicing how to create a wave of water, a spell in my book, and I must have aimed at the wrong target, because when the water hit, all these balls game pouring down.", Darnell explained. Piroletta couldn't help but laugh, then she noticed the balls. They weren't just any old casino balls.
"Those are my balls,", Then Piroletta remembered when she danced here with Chips Bettington, who danced in a clumsy cowboy style. She spun and all of the balls got stuck up there.
"Well, why don't you help me clean this mess up before your uncle sees."
Darnell nodded and the two proceeded to clean up the pile.
Piroletta put them back in her pockets (or place where things come out of nowhere), when she noticed Darnell moving in an odd way. She'd glide across and use a levitation spell to pick then up. She then spin, the balls forming a circle, and then she'd cast them into thin air. Piroletta watched this, then remembered one of those old cartoons where a woman with magic would dance like that. She then realized Darnell was trying to imitate it. Piroletta walked up to Darnell and put her and on her shoulder.
"You're gliding and spin are excellent, put you're stance isn't.", Piroletta put Darnell in the correct stance, an then let her go. Darnell danced/cleaned up lovingly around the pile, the balls following in correct manner. Piroletta smiled, and joined Darnell in the dance/clean up.
*Time skip by: Darnell is adorable when she's mad*
Piroletta and Darnell both danced across the dance floor, Piroletta in her usual dance while Darnell danced in a rhythmic way, dancing around the outer area while Piroletta took the center. When both girls joined together, they danced in circles around eachother, then raised to their toes, and gracefully fell to thir knees, ending the dance. Both were startled when clapping was heard. They both looked to see the other casino workers, King Dice, and Devil all clapping at them.
"That was wonderful ladies! Wonderful!", King Dice said. Darnell and Piroletta both stood up, embarrassed that they didn't know they were being watched.
"Glad to see you have a new dance partner.", Mr. Wheezy said to Piroletta, who smiled and put and arm around Darnell.
"She is pretty talented. Needs to learn a few things, but otherwise amazing."
Darnell blushed at that, makinv everyone laugh. Tho embarrassed for what just happened, Darnell smiled.

A/N: I actually don't know much about dance, I just went with what I knew. Either way, I had fun writing this. Darnell and Piroletta are both goid friends, and dance partners. Hope you enjoyed this!*and yes, the music above is Russian ballet music (it says it!), I read that Piroletta does her dances Russian, so that's why I put it.

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