Clowning Around

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Darnell ran around the casino, chasing a runnaway dove while Houcus Pocus and Mr. Chimes tried to catch it. The dove was a clever dove, it flew under tables and chairs and above slot machines. Darnell struggled to get a good aim, and sometimes accidentally grabbed a customer or something with a skeleton's hand. Hocus Pocus couldn't get a good aim either, and would hit things as well. Mr. Chimes just couldn't keep up with the dove.
The dove was too fast, and eventually Darnell, Hocus, and Mr. Chimes all ran into eachother.
The dove landed on a customer's head, and the customer, who was a bird eater, ate it.
"What is the meaning of this?", King Dice said to the three on the floor.
"You three have made a mess on your little goose chase."
"Actually,", Hocus said, snickering.
"It was a dove chase."(A/N: *drums play* I'm sorrynotsorry)
He, Mr. Chimes, and Darnell laughed at Hocus' joke. King Dice sighed.
"You three are acting like clowns."
"What's a clown?", Darnell asked. The three men looked at her.
"What?", she said.
"You don't know what a clown is?", Mr. Chimes asked. She shook her head.
"Well, that means she hasn't met or knows Beppi.", King Dice said.
"Who?", Darnell asked.
"Beppi the clown.", Hocus said.
"You gotta meet him!"
"No way!", King Dice said.
"I'm not about to let her go see a crazy man."
"She knows me.", Hocus said.
"Fair point.", King Dice said.
"Please sir,", Mr. Chimes said.
"May Hocus and I take Darnell to see Beppi?"
"I suppose,", King Dice said.
"But keep her in both of y'all's sight. Got it?"
The two animals nodded.
"And be back before the casino closes.", and with that, King Dice left.
Hocus grabbed Darnell's arm and brought her to her feet.
"Come on D,", He said.
"Let's go to the carnival!"
*Time skip by: Darnell's first time to a carnival!*
Darnell looked around in amazement. She would have never thought a carnival would be like this. There were bright lights, many yummy smells, and many things to do and see. Darnell held Hocus' hand as they walked around, looking for Beppi. Mr. Chimes had described what Beppi looked like, that he was skinny, wore a blue and red suit and small black top, had yellow eyes, and was white and red. Darnell looked around, looking for anyone that might be like he had described.
"Ah! There he is!"
Darnell was suddenly yanked into a tent by Hocus, followed by Mr. Chimes. When she regained her balance, she looked at Hocus with a look saying, Why the hell did you do that?!
Then she saw. A clown, dressed in blue and red, was going through a brown chest filled with objects, seeming to be looking for something.
"Beppi!", Hocus called, making the clown look at them. He smiled and walked towards them.
"Hocus Pocus and Mr. Chimes, what a delight!", he laughed.
"And who's this 'lil bisket?", He said, looking at Darnell.
"This is Darnell Oleander, the neice of King Dice."
Darnell rolled her eyes and smiled.
Every time, I'm addressed as the niece of King Dice., Darnell thought.
"Well hello there, Darnell!", Beppi said, giving Darnell a flower balloon.
"Hello, Beppi.", Darnell said, taking the flower.
"What brings you three casino ones to the carnival?", Beppi asked.
"Well, we wanted to bring Darnell here to meet you, she's never known what a clown is.", Mr. Chimes said.
"Well, where have you been? Under a rock?", Beppi asked, not seeming offended.
"I used to live in a place that was far from towns or cities.", Darnell said.
"Now I live at the casino."
"Well,", Beppi said.
"I guess that kinda explains it."
"Hey Beppi,", Hocus said.
"What're you doing in that trunk?"
"Oh!", Bepi said, running to the trunk.
"I was just looking for things to use for the parade tonight!"
He pulled out more stuff.
"Parade?", Mr. Chimes said.
"That sounds exciting!"
"Yea!", Darnell said, she heard of parades, but never saw one.
"You guys don't suppose y'all could stay for the parade.", Beppi said, juggling bananas.
"It starts in an hour."
"I suppose we still have time.", Hocus said, looking at his watch.
"But after that, we gotta go."
"Great!", Beppi said, getting on a bumber car.
"See y'all soon!"
And he sped off.

The three casino ones played around. Mr. Chimes won many games, whether they were rigged or not. Hocus screamed as the cart of the coster fell at full speed. Darnell managed to make bets, and win all of them.
Finally, the parade was about to begin.
Hocus, Mr. Chimes, and Darnell all sat on one of the games, watching.
First came the ringmaster, spinning a batton. Behind him was a band, playing all sorts of instruments. Next, acrobatics came, performing all kinds of tricks. Animals followed them. Elephants decorated with colors, monkeys that made tricks, and lions, along with lion tamers. Darnell was impressed by how the tamers managed to not let the lions eat anyone.
Finally, the clowns came. They rode in many small cars. Some stood on stilts, others jumped, walked, or ran. They all played jokes on eachother.
"Look there's Beppi!", Mr. Chimes said, pointing. Beppi was in his bumber car, chasing another clown.
"Hi Beppi!", Hocus called. Beppi looked up an waved, then continued to chase the poor clown.
A few more clowns came, and the parade was over. Everyone clapped and cheered, them resumed to what they were doing.
"Hey you three!", the game's owner yelled to the three on top.
"Get off!"
Darnell, Hocus, and Mr. Chimes jumped off.
"Golly!", Hocus said.
"The casino closes in two hours!"
The three ran to the exit, waving bye to Beppi as they ran.
"Wait!", Hocus yelled. The Phantom Express was almost at full speed. The three jumped onto the train and sat somewhere, panting.
"We're almost back.", Mr. Chimes said.
Darnell waved to T-Bone, who was passing by.
The three quickly got off the train and ran into the casino.
"Three minutes early.", King Dice said, looking at Mr. Chimes and Hocus, who were on the floor panting. Darnell helped the two up.
"How was your trip?", Dice asked.
"It was fun!", Darnell said.
"We met Beppi, got to play, and saw a parade!". she said. Then she pulled out a lot of money.
"I even made bets, and won."
King Dice smiled.
"That's my girl.", he said.
"Now, you three wash up. Dinner's almost done."
The three quickley changed and joined the others for dinner.

A/N: That was fun. Hey, why did the chicken cross the road?
Friend: Why?
Me: To get to the idiot's house. Knock knock.
Friend: Who's there?
Me: The chicken.
Friend: Why are you like this...? Why did Beppi do this...?

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