To find a liar

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Darnell passed by the drinkers and headed to where the smokers where. She didn't need a gas mask, even though there was a whole ton of smoke. She was heading to meet up with the King of Smokers.
"Hey kid, want a cigar?", a man asked, Darnell just shook her head and carried on.

"Wheezy!", Darnell called.
"Mr. Wheezy, I'm here!"
From the ashes, a huge cigar came. It opened it's eyes and looked down.
"Ah, Darnell!", Mr. Wheezy said, and took a physical form, with feet and clothes. He pulled a cigar out of the ashes.
"Want one?"
Darnell took it and lit it in the fire that surrounded them. She took a breath and exhaled.
"So,", Mr. Wheezy said, lighting his own cigar.
"What brings you here to the world of smoke?"
"Can't someone just pop in to see her friend?", Darnell asked, taking another inhale.
"It's just you're mostly with the gamblers Phear Lap, Piroletta, and Chips Bettington.", Mr. Wheezy said.
"Well I'm mostly good at gambling; you saw me when I first stepped into this casino.", Darnell said. Mr. Wheezy shrugged, and exhaled.
They smoked in silence till they heard loud noises coming from the other room.
"Since you like gambling,", Mr. Wheezy said.
"How much you wanna bet two men are fighting over one of them blew smoke in the other's face?"
"I'll say 10 bucks; or I'll give you 10 bucks.", Darnell said.
The two headed out. And yes, two men were fighting, one accusing the other of blowing smoke in his face, with the accused denying. Darnell stuck her hand out, and Mr. Wheezy dug into his pocket and gave her a 10.
"Alright alright break it up!", Mr. Wheezy said.
"Sir, this piece of-"
"Ah!", Mr. Wheezy pointed to Darnell.
"There are children."
"Whatever. This guy is denying the fact he, on purpose, blew smoke in my face!"
"Why would he blow smoke in your face?", Mr. Wheezy asked.
"The stars know why he'd do that! But he did!"
"I did no such thing!", the second man said.
"I was minding my own business when he started yelling at me!"
The two got at it again, and Mr. Wheezy was still trying to find who to punish.
Darnell, in her time with Chips Bettington and her uncle, she was taught how to tell who was the lier.
She watched the two men continue to argue.
Man 2, a skeleton, waved is hands in anger, but his body language showed he had nothing to hide. Man 2, a ghost, however, he scratched his arm and looked to the left everytime he was silent. His body language showed he was trying to come up with an excuse. Jackpot. And just in time, Mr. Wheezy's head was turning red.
"Mr. Wheezy,", Darnell said, stepping forward.
"I know who needs to face the smoke."
"Well, who?", Mr. Wheezy asked. Darnell pointed to the ghost.
"His body language tells it all. When lying, you look to the left and you have an itch somewhere."
The ghost looked at her in anger.
"Dam kid.", he hissed.
Mr. Wheezy looked at the ghost.
"Sir, hand me you cigars and cigarettes, as well as your lighters. You're suspened for two weeks."
The ghost grumbled angerly, but gave his stuff.
"Out.", Mr. Wheezy said, pointing to the door. The ghost stormed out of the smoking area.

*In Mr. Wheezy's room*

Mr. Wheezy walked into his room, and found No Smoking-King Dice posters everywhere.
"What the?!", Mr. Wheezy looked in suprise.
"You did this, didn't you?", Mr. Wheezy looked at Darnell.
"I was with Beppi before I came here.", Darnell explained.
"Prank Training?"
Darnell nodded. Mr. Wheezy patted her head.
"Getting better kid."
He snapped his fingers, and his Cigarbats lit the posters on fire.
Mr. Wheezy handed Darnell a new cigar and got one of his own. They both lit their cigars and smoked till Darnell had to leave.

A/N: What? Y'all didn't know Darnell could smoke? She lives in the Devil's Casino, gambles, studies Necromancy, and drinks wine. Who said she doesn't smoke either?

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