28🌺: OKC

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Ebony|E 🦋

"Ow..." I whimper at the splitting headache that blurred my vision. I was still in the car, it was just stalled. I opened my eyes to see that the car was parked at an old gas station. My dad wasn't in the front seat, the keys were gone.

"What the hell?" I look out to see that it looked like the middle of nowhere. The driver's side door clicked open. He shut the door and put a plate in my lap and put the keys in the ignition.

"Where are we?" I asked, voice cracking.

"Oklahoma." He says simply. "Relax." He muttered.

"How can I relax when my own father kidnapped me?" There wasn't really a use to scream because it looking like we were in a fucking ghost town. He sighed.

"It's not kidnap."

"What time is it?" I yell over him, fumbling for my phone.

"It's 6:09." He said calmly, handing me my phone. It's been three hours since I fell asleep. I happened to look in the corner of my phone.


"Where is my card?" This nigga is crazy.

"I'll give it back later." He simply said as he pulled out of the lot.

"No! Why the fuck did you take it out?"

"Watch yo' damn mouth!"

"Ian gotta watch shit!" I yelled back. He slammed on the breaks.

"Watch how you fuckin' talkin' to me! I don't give a fuck how old you are—you are still my child! We clear?" He asked. I had tears welling in my eyes because I wanted to punch the shit out of him so bad. But I didn't know the way back home, so I just stared out of the glass in front of me.

"Oh, so youn speak English now—"

"Oh, so you kidnapping folks now?" He sucked his teeth and started driving because an old ass car was behind him, honking.

"Fuck it. Ian gotta explain nothing—"

"You took me against my will. You gotta explain that to the police."

"See, that's why I took that damn card out! You do the most!"

"YOU do the most! Just tell me where we going!" He was quiet for a while.

"We goin' to see ya grandma." He said, finally. My grandma lived in OKC. Only thing is, my grandma like to hurt you if you show up unannounced. Daddy ain't got her new number. Something ain't adding up.

"That's all you had to say!" I mug him, still trying to figure out how I can get to Arlington.

"Can I have my SIM card back?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Here, damn!" He dug into his pocket and pulled out the small chip. I took it roughly. He shook his head at me as I pulled my earring out to put it back in. When I did, my phone buzzed non stop. They were mostly from the group chat—from Tay.

Tay👑: Ebony Zaire Keys.

Tay👑: I can and will beat tf out of you

Tay👑: Answer the phone Damnit 😐

-imma call u later 🙄 my daddy on some fuck shit fr

Tay👑: wya

He started blowing my phone up again. I just put my ringer on silent and blowed out a long breath.

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