15🌺: Finally

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Ebony|E  🦋

"You the only thing I give a fuck about anymo', don't take that motivation away from me." I felt my heart beat so much faster, but it felt like my world was slowing down.

"W-what?" I did a double take and focused in a little bit.

"Ebony...real shit--You mean the world to me. Music don't even give me the feeling you do...and that shit my passion." I stared at him for a minute, trying to collect my thoughts. He was waiting patiently for an answer, making me nervous. I didn't know how to answer.

"Taymor..." I sighed, pulling my knees up a little. "I don't even know what to say..."

"Man, I'm pourin' my heart out to you. Whatchu mean youn know what to say?"

"Look, you came out the blue with this! Two hours ago, I thought you was jus' usin' me. Now, you tellin' me you need me?"

"Uh, Yeah." He said dryly. I said nothing and just leaned back. I zoned out, looking at the wall behind him.

"I got it fixed."

"What?" I looked at him again.

"I got it fixed." He held his hand up higher to show a silver chain hanging from both sides, the charm in the palm of his hand. I reached for it and he pulled back a little.

"Lemme put it on." He said softly, motioning for me to turn around. We stood up together and I spun around, looking at the wall. I felt goosebumps rise when his fingers grazed my neck, the quiet sound of the necklace finally clasping making me realize that my breath was shallow and quick.

I turned around and immediately made eye contact with him. My heart was racing as if this was the first time I've been in this position. My back was almost touching the wall, and he licked his lips, looking at the charm.

"I gotta question—be honest..." He almost sighed out, making me perk to attention. I bit my lip as he leaned in closer. I closed my eyes.

"Do you love me like I love you?" He asked softly, his lips brushing against mine with each word.

"Uh, I—"

"Yes, or no."


"Yes—or no?" He said a bit more aggressive, making me back up a little from his touch. I opened my mouth to speak again, but I got cut off by the door opening.

"Hey, hoes! We got KFC—oh shit." Ziggy looked at us with wide eyes.

"Eww, y'all in here fuckin'?" The Nigga That Look Like He Eat Soap Scum For A Living said loudly, and Tay stepped away from me, storming out the door. I walked out behind him, following him down the steps.

"Tay, wait!" I called after him.

"What?" He stopped and turned around, looking down on me a little.

"Why the hell are you mad?" He just sucked his teeth and tried to storm away again.

"Stop!" I grabbed his wrist and he turned around, huffing out.

"It was a yes or no question. Do you?" At this point, tears were blurring my vision. I didn't know if they were from anger or sadness. I stepped up and shoved him in the chest, on the verge of letting the tears spill.

"Of course I do, stupid! I love you more than you love me! Why the fuck you think I'm quick to blow ya phone up when I don't see if you after two days? Cause I'm somewhea worried sick about you, dummy!" His face softened as he listened.

"Why you think I check to see did you eat every day? Because I care! Why you think I'm yelling at you now? Makin' an effort for you to hear me now? Because I don't wanna lose you! I do all this shit out of love!" I was a little out of breath, crying and ignoring the cold against my face as I wiped the tears away. He was still quiet and observant.

"A-and, if you can't see that I really got love for you—unlike the rest of these hoes, then maybe you not worth my time." I scoffed and pushed past him, making him suck my teeth.

"E, really?" He asked as I walked away quietly, heard to my house. I just wanted to be in my bed and alone. I heard him follow me up the steps, earning a sigh. I tried to get in as fast as I could, but he overpowered me and fought his way in.

"Shorty, listen to me—"

"No, nigga—you listen!" I spin around to meet his gaze.

"I don't feel like I should have to spell the shit out so clearly." I put my hands on my hips.

"All this because I asked you a yes or no question?"

"All That because I didn't answer immediately?" He just threw his hands up a little and sighed. He caught me off guard pulling me close to him and kissing me deeply.

"W-what was we talkin' about?" I stuttered as I got over the butterflies in my stomach.

"How we in love and arguin' bout the shit." I bit the inside of my cheek. He had a point.

"It felt as stupid as the shit sound, huh?" I nodded and he nodded too. He leaned against my front door and crossed his arms.

"So, you gon' stop fuckin' wimme and be my girl?" He asked, taking me aback.

"Nigga, when you gon' stop fuckin' wimme and stop doggin me out?" He sucked his teeth.

"Them days over." He said.

"Sure." I smirked, making king him throw his hands out.

"Fareal." He said, pulling me closer. "You gon' answer my question?"


"Yeah, What?"

"Yeah...I'll be ya girl..."


My bad for taking so long on the update ❤️

Bro The Race came on in a radio mix and I got so hype bc a lot of music I listen to on the daily doesnt Get put on the radio 😒

But anyways:

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