32🌺: New Duties

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Ebony|E 🦋

"Tay." I swallowed hard and looked at him. "Ion think this a good idea." I say, clutching the pistol in my hand. We were sitting outside of Chelsea—or whatever the bitch's name is, house. Apparently, her and D were having a secret meeting with my dad. We were supposed to be spying then getting the hell out. If anything goes wrong, we had protection.

"Come on, don't pussy out on me now." I looked over at him and then back at the gun.

"Ian tryna go to jail, dude." I swallowed hard.

"You ain't, just come on." He whispered, opening the door. We were parked by Ten's house. We had to find some way inside this girl's house without letting them know. We put on our hoods as we passed the front of the house.

"Front door's open." He mumbled to himself, looking ahead. "They got a fence, they keep the back door open in the day time." He analyzed the house as we turned the corner.

"But the fence is locked." I point out. He was quiet as he walked up to the gate and jiggled the chain. I couldn't see what he was doing.

"No it's not." He said monotonously, a small smirk played on his face. He pushed the fence open and waved me on. He then proceeded to make sure the chains didn't rattle when he shut the door.

"Shit." He whispered to himself.

"What?" I stood on alert.

"They got a sliding door. Might be too loud." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. I followed him to the side of the house, where we squatted.

"Hello...aye, come down the street and ring the doorbell...I don't know, make some shit up...get everybody in the house to come down...and tell me what the kitchen look like when you look in...Preciate that, bye." We heard super loud music and knew Ten was up to his shit. We smiled, hearing one of his friend's songs blasting.

"Let's go." He says, making his way to the door. He pulls his sleeve over his hand.

"Like I said—" The door slides open with ease. "It's open." He slid it open just enough to get in. I struggled a little.

"C'mon, big booty." He teased, making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up, ol young looking ass—"

"You think this really the time to be janking me?" We closed the door as they tried to get Ten to turn off the music. He pointed out that ice was in the cups and there was half eaten food on the table. We tiptoe into the laundry room.

"Remind me why this is gonna help us?" I said barely in a whisper, trying to let my eyes adjust to the darkness.

"We get in on what they doing, then we know what their next move is. We plan a set up." He says in a matter of factly tone. He holds a finger up to his lips when the music begins to fade.

"Now, back to what I was saying. I think I know where she at, though. Getting to that lil boy ain't the problem, it's getting at my baby."

"They told you, they see her in school, right?" That bitch Veronica was in on it too?


"So...let them get her. Pay somebody to invite her to the mall and get her then...something like that." She suggests. I can't see that well, but I can see Taymor's face shift in anger. We sit there for a while, listening to their conversation and watching him as slowly got angrier.

"I wanna punch something." He sighed to me. He managed to get to my side without making too much noise.

"I know, just calm down...I'll be fine." I reassure him, pecking his jaw quickly before going back to ear hustling. The sounds of chairs scrapping the wood floors filled to room, along with footsteps. The anxiety all around me faded once I heard the footsteps fade away. We sat there until we heard footsteps up the steps. Tay was silent until we escaped, walking down the street to the car.

"I wanna off em. All of em. Can I do that?"

"W-what? Don't ask me, I'm not God."

"I know...but I wanna know if you want me to..."

"I don't want you to kill anybody. We can do so much more without risking being thrown in jail." I give him a reassuring touch. He nods and whispers an 'ok'.

"Mama got groceries?" He asks, pumping the brakes at a light.

"She has to go shopping this weekend."

"We'll go for her." He offered, pointing to the small local supermarket. We made our way over there as I gathered an idea of what I'm gonna get in my head.

Forty five minutes later, we didn't have that much to go. I was struggling to get something off the top shelf. He reached up and hopped a little to get it.

"Here, short stuff."

"Bitch, you had to jump to get it!" I said, looking at him. I noticed somebody walk past with a car seat in her hand. I only noticed it because we seemed to have caught her attention too, the way she was staring.

"I want some cereal, can you go get me—never mind, you won't be able to reach it." He says to me.

"Don't try me, shorty!" I storm off with him to the cereal aisle. I watched as he took some Froot Loops from the shelf.

"I could've reached it." I mumbled, arms crossed.

"Nuh Uh." We went back over to the aisle where the cart was.

"The hell?" He says out loud, staring at the big unknown thing sitting in it.

"Uh, is that our cart?"

"Hell yeah, ya mama the only person still eating Wheaties." I hit him in the chest gently as I approach the cart. It was the same car seat from earlier. I gasped at the baby inside. We both stared. It was a little light skinned boy. My eyes zeroed in on an envelope beside him. I reached for it, and he watched as I opened it.

Remember when we snuck off at JayCo's party last year? Didn't really know how to tell you this, but you got me pregnant, and I couldn't find your address. I want you to bond with your son and

I stopped reading immediately and handed the paper to Tay, eyes blurring.

I know I shouldn't be mad but, man, is my heart on fire...

Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit.

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