36 🌺: Changes

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Ebony|E 🦋

~*Two Months Later*~

This was it. The day that every kid dreams about when they hit high school.

I couldn't believe I finally graduated.

We were all a jumbled mess, congratulating each other with tears in our eyes. "I'm gonna miss you." Was said at least five times per person, even if some of them were lies. But, who cares? We were all happy beyond measure.

"Congratulations, baby!" My mama engulfs me into a hug and I return the affection. As I let go of her, I was hugged again.

"We did it, baby..." He mumbled in my ear.

"Finally." I chuckled as he let go. He hugged my mama.

"Love you ma." I heard him mumble, making my heart melt a little.

"Love you too, baby." She rubbed his back. "Y'all know what's coming." She smiled, taking out her phone.

Well, this is gonna take a while.

We started talking about possible poses and joking about how I hated pictures, when we were interrupted by a couple who looked really familiar.

"Taymor?" The woman stepped closer to him and he stepped back.

"Who the hell are you?" He looked at her with an emotionless stare. The man gave him a confused look.

"You know us...we're your parents, boy." My jaw dropped as I looked at my mama.

"My parents dead." He said simply, not breaking eye contact with his mom.

"No we're not baby, we're right here! Please, just listen—" She grabbed his hand gently, but he snatched it away.

"My parents...are dead...to me." I mumbled, walking away. His mom just turned to his dad and started sobbing in his chest. That night, we partied and partied...but when I got Tay alone, I held him and he cried. He asked me why so much shit happens at once, and it hurt me to not have an answer.

When the summer ended, I was excited and scared. This was the first time I was gonna be away from my parents...away from my home. Mama and Tay took the trip to Atlanta with me. We spent the whole day together, so when it was time for them to go, I couldn't help but cry.

"Call me as soon as y'all get back. Tay, make sure my mama's straight until you leave, please?" I whisper in his ear.

"You already know." He kisses me and let's me go. I walk up to my mom and hug her tight.

"Mama, make sure Tay's straight until he leaves."

"I will, baby." She pats my back. "I will." Eventually, they both left, and I was alone in my dorm for a while. I felt my phone buzz.

Baby daddy 😍🤭: Love you big head. Don't b talking to no other niggas

-okay baby 🤣 love you more

I smiled to myself and clutched my phone. Lord knows I love his crazy ass.

~*Two Years Later*~

"Girl, fuck that nigga and that essay. He lucky I don't wanna lose my scholarship." My friend Jen ranted as she typed on her laptop. I chuckled, knowing she wasn't bout it anyway. We were all chilling in my apartment. After my freshman year, I decided to get an apartment. I like the freedom.

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