26🌺: Birthday

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Taymor|TayK 🐉

"YOU DID WHAT?" She yelled, hands on her head. She was sitting on the counter, about to keel over and die.

"Don't act like Ian did it in front of you." I straight faced her. I told her about the money, and how I got it.

"But you did this for money AND you did something else illegal! Are you stupid? Do you know what 25 to life is?" She ran her fingers through her hair, sighing hard.

"Chill, all signs point to robbery."

"I don't care Tay! If you get arrested, then what?"

"Ain't Nothin' happenin' to me. Ten went and dumped at ugly ass car in the middle of nowhere and gutted it. Nobody saw us leave because it was late—I'm good." She relaxed a little, but still looked unconvinced.

"If you go to prison, just know imma stab the shit outta you. I'm going to prison happy." I kissed her cheek.

"I told you I'm not goin' to prison."

"Why you gotta stress me out so much? On my birthday at that?" Yeah, my girl turned big 18 today. She didn't know that I was gone give her a good ass surprise.

"Cause the sex better if you start out stress. But, your present on the way—and I'm taking you and the gang out too."

"My present better not be dick."

"Dick is not a present." Her jaw dropped.

"I think you the only nigga in this galaxy to say that." I shrugged.

"Pussy ain't a present either, rememba that February 14th." I smirked.

"You better remember that, Big Money." I chuckled as I leaned in to kiss her. As soon as our lips touched, a door clicked open.

"TEN!" We both yelled at the boy in the red Bape hoodie at the front door.

"Whaaat? Oh, sorry." He said, looking at the door. "It's here." He proceeded, talking about Ebony's present.

"And you left it alone?" I pushed past him and rushed down the steps, even though there was nobody in sight.

(A/N: I changed the amount they got. They got $43,000 each 🤷🏾‍♀️)

I sighed at the jet black 2017 Dodge Charger sitting in the parking spot, grabbing some attention.

"Damn Ten, you came in this bitch ridin' clean!" Black and the gang popped up out of nowhere

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"Damn Ten, you came in this bitch ridin' clean!" Black and the gang popped up out of nowhere.

"I'm sayin'." Ebony co-signed, drooling at the car. She been talking to me about one of these cars ever since they released the model late 2016.

"Don't you know guy gave it to me for $6,000?" Ten was looking just as shocked at I was. I asked him to see about he car when I saw it sitting in somebody's yard. I was expecting to spend half my money getting it—maybe more.

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