5🌺: No Sleep

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Ebony Keys 🦋

"Shorty, jus' come ova hea..." Tay groaned through the phone. He didn't sound sober at all. I had midterms in the morning and his high ass did too.

"Tay, lemme go to sleep."

"Lemme put you ya bed." I snorted and busted out laughing, quickly putting a hand over my mouth.

"You jus' showed yo ass." I mumbled. He sucked his teeth.

"Can I come ova?"


"Man, Imma be quiet! Ion know bout you, doe." He chuckled, making me blush.

"Stoooopp! You is not comin' ova hea."

"Bet." I sighed in frustration. Dad was where he always was, at work. I know he understands that I could be doing every bad thing in the book, but imma good girl. Ion like trying shit. I was thinking about tomorrow when Tay busted through my bedroom door.

"Ugh, Taymorrrrrr!" I sit up. He laid down and got close to me.

"Shorty, word of advice: don't say my name like that 'less you tryna fix what that shit do to me. 'Preciate that." I blushed hard as fuck.

"I don't like you."

"All these lies." He shook his head and did the 'Shame on You' signal. He laid beside me and sighed. I was really stiff as fuck, he was mighty close.

"Mane, call D'Essence." I made a face, feeling a little jealous.

"Why?" I ask, scooting over a little. Tay mimicked me, making me give him a look in the dark.

"Cause, I'm tryna get sucked up and I know she'll do it."

"I'm not calling my friend so she can give you head, damn."

"Why?" I sucked my teeth.

"How this sound to you?—'Hey, D? Can you come ova'? Yeah, Tay wanna get sucked up.'." I scrunched my face up at him.

"You always somewhea' gettin smart." 

"Ion get smart, I am smart. Now, I'm sleepy. So goodnight and lock my door on ya way out." I said, moving to lay on my side. I felt the bed rise, but it dipped back in again, and Tay was right up on me. I could smell the weed and smoke all on his clothes, along with a sweet smell. My eyes snapped open and I moved my head to look at him.

"What are you doin?" I asked sleepily.

"Goin to sleep." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me. I felt them slide to my butt and I slapped his hand. He laughed as he pulled them away, only for him to put them back. I bit my lip and scooted closer.

"Ahhaaa, you like it anyway." He teased.

"Man, I jus' like that smell." It wasn't a whole lie. I wrapped my arms around him, getting comfortable. I ended up dozing off quicker than usual.

Taymor McIntyre 🐉

I was surprised when I heard Ebony's soft snores against my neck after laying with her for less than twenty minutes. I closed my eyes for the fifth time trying to doze off, when my phone buzzed. I ignored it, feeling my eyes get heavy. I was woken up by somebody tapping my leg. The light had cut on, so I was squinting like fuck.

"Fuck is you doin' bro?" I mugged whoever this was, knowing it wasn't her pops.

"Bitch, we gotta go."  I heard Ten say.

"How the hell you find me? How you get in?" I was still laying down.

"Nigga, you must not remember callin' me. And the door unlocked, that's dangerous as shit. Getcho ass up. Y'all goals as fuck, I took a picture. And no nigga, I'm not deleting' that shit."

"Shut up, Ten." I say, pushing myself up. Her eyes opened just a little bit and she grabbed the back of my jacket before I could move.

"Taymor..." She whined, frowning up. She looked like she wasn't fully awake at all.

"I gotta go, I'll be back ova hea tomorrow. Okay?" She nodded, letting me go hesitantly. I cut off the light as she rolled over.

"Good God." He shook his head, looking at Ebony. I slapped the fire out his neck.

"Stop lookin' at ha." I closed the door.

"Nigga, her ass was hanging out, thighs was lookin' right. If you say yeen hit that, Imma beat the shit outta you." He mugged me as I opened the door, locking the bottom lock before I let him out.

"Shut up, Ten." I shook my head as I closed the door back and went down the steps.

"I'm jus' sayin! Man, slow down! Can you at least put a nigga on—"

"No!" I cut him off as I hopped in the passenger side of the car. He got in on the driver side and shrugged.

"A nigga can try. Damn, I felt bad leavin' ha." He crunk up the car and drove off.

"You set?" I cocked the Glock in my hand, nodding.

"Did they say if we needed da spare somebody?" Me and Ten had a big money hit on some dude.

"Just kill him—they said. They said anybody else that could fuck this up, kill em too. I might end up being the hitman, but i's really a game of who see em first." I nodded.

"One mo' thang. Keep up mask on at all times. These folks outchea pretty much got cameras in they damn toilet." I snickered and nodded, waiting on him to get out. Ian really understand why I was needed in this situation, but it was money. He jumped out and led me to the back. We broke in and saw the target. We looked at each other and he threw a thumbs up. He put his gun up, aiming at the man who was sitting on the sofa. He took a shot, and the bullet went through and hit the tv.

"Damn, what kinda supa bullets you got?" I whisper yelled.

"Don't wor' bout it. I gotta get a picture, hol up." He went in front of the man and pulled out a mean ass flip phone.

"Bitch, I know that ain't yours."

"Fuck no, this so I won't get tracked and shit. Trap phone type shit." I nodded as he snapped the picture. We ran out the door we came in through and hopped in the ride.

"Even though that shit was clean, that shit right there nerve rackin."

"You'll get used to it." He dapped me up as we sped off.


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