39🌺: Missed Call Mania

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Ebony|E 🦋

I woke up once again to a quiet house. I hated the quiet ever since I was little, so I immediately made plans to go to the gym. I hopped in the shower and put on gym clothes. It's hot as hell, so I just went out without a shirt. I grabbed my gym bag and headed out.

When I got there, I sighed at the amount of people in there and went in with my headphones. I went to the treadmill and got on. I ignored the buzzing coming from my phone, letting my mind go blank. After a good eight minutes, the thoughts came flooding because Tay's song started playing. I was tired of thinking of them.

It hurt that in my life they can't coexist.

This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for Tay.

He hurt me.

I hurt Terry.

I felt my chest tighten, but I ignored it as my eyes ached from the impending tears. Trying to hold back the waterworks, I took a deep, shaky inhale. Again, I tried to push the thoughts away. There again, they seeped back in.

I knew Terry was unstable, but I still upset him.

If something happens to him, it's blood on my hands.

He told you he's been hurt too many times and you fucked him up.

You knew.

It's your fault.

I cut off the treadmill, hyperventilating. I tried to keep it under control as I rushed to the showers. I had barely did anything, so the labored breathing and sweating was from an anxiety attack.

I quickly washed off, tears still streaming endlessly. I put my change of clothes on along with a pair of sunglasses. I gathered my stuff and rushed out of the gym. I finally decided to check my phone.

Terry 🤤💙

Ily baby && that won't change
no matter what 💙 I left something
in ya armrest to read

I picked up the pace to my car. I sucked my teeth when I saw that Tay was leaning against my car.

"Still crazy, huh?" My hands shook when my voice didn't.

"That never changes." He looks down at my hands and takes the keys. I sighed heavily.

"I-I don't have time for this, gimme my keys."

"You don't need to drive, shaking like that." He said as he stuck the key in and unlocked the door. I just got on the passengers side and just about ripped my armrest open, taking out a sheet of notebook paper.

To Ebony Keys,

I love you until the world blows. You taught me a lot of shit that's gone stay in my heart for a long time. I fuck with your honesty, pride, and integrity. I'm glad you told me how you felt, the last thing I wanted to do was trap you, ma. I love you too much for that. I love you too much to die know that you were probably suffering because of my selfishness. I wanna go ahead and let you know that this wasn't your fault. I love you, again.

Terry Sullivan

"What? What's not my fault?" My voice broke as I grabbed my phone. Tay looked as I panicked. He wasn't answering.

-Answer the phone

I fanned myself and started putting his address into the GPS in my car.

Starting route...

"Taymor, I know you don't like him, but I think he's hurt. Please drive as fast as you can." I was trying to keep calm but my nerves were on edge. When we got there, we both jumped out. He lived in a small house with a roommate. I started beating on the door like hell.

"TERRY!" I croaked. I pointed to the set of keys in Tay's hand. He held them out for me to pick a key. I picked it and he unlocked the door, pushing it open.

"Terry!" I called through the house, making my way to his room. His door was shut, but it was unlocked. My heart fluttered with joy to see him sat up on the bed. He looked drunk, though.

"Terry..." I sighed in relief. I noticed that Tay just lingered in the doorway.

"Heyyy, E!" He smiled, but barely had his eyes open. I accidentally kicked over a cup, gasping when it spilled. It ran slowly.

"Is that...cough syrup and soda?"

"Only the best shit." He mumbled. I sat on the bed and hugged him around the neck. He was so slump that he couldn't even sit up in my grasp.

"I thought you hurt yourself."

"I thought...I thought..."

"What?" I looked down at his face in concern as I rubbed his back.

"Um...E." Tay pointed to the empty pill bottle on his dresser. As if on cue, all of his weight collapsed on my lap and arms.

"Call an ambulance!" I hollered, checking to see if he was breathing.

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