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"Man I fucked up." Drew groaned.

"Um you think?" I asked.

He groaned and put his head down.

"And I have to see her today!" He said.

"You set yourself up for this." I said.

"Okay yeah. But how do I get her back?" He asked.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes! I mean look at her!" He said.

I turned my head.

She was doing old cheer routines with the guys.

"I don't know, man. You screwed up royally." I said.

"I know." He sighed.

"I just didn't see how special she truly is. Like I get Sharlize is pretty and everything, but it's either direct messaging someone or actually having someone in person. I had that. But I had to ruin it." He explained.

I don't want to see them get back together.

I don't want Sophie to get hurt twice by the same guy.

Damn this big heart of mine.

I looked over as she landed a tumble.

''Break up with Sharlize." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You wanted to know how to get her back, I'm trying to help you." I said.

"Oh right." He said taking out his phone.

drewramosofficial: Hey Sharlize, I know it sucks to do this over dm, but you're in San Diego and I'm in Burbank. With my schedule, it's impossible to get on a plane. But I'm breaking up with you.

sharlizetrue_: Excuse me?!

"Now what do I say?" He asked.

"Explain why." I said.

drewramosofficial: Well, I actually did catch feelings for Sophie... They were stronger than I thought...

sharlizetrue_: You're kidding? You actually like that??

drewramosofficial: Least she has a heart of gold. Goodbye, Sharlize.

I pray that this backfires on him.

I know it's not nice, but I don't want her to get hurt again. 

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