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Takeshi Akuma.

Eyes: Stormy Grey

Hair: White, cut "short" (not really) with sidesweep.

Height: 5' 3"

Skinny, with average measurements. (bust, butt, etc,)

Author's Note

In this book the names will be last names first, First names second. As they get to know each other they might start calling her by her first name. So yeah, I don't own anything except story line and my OC.


Its going to be my first day at Seirin High.  I'm hoping my plan will work. The second i got up I started to put my plan into action. I got everything for my plan to work. I did my usual morning routine, except with new clothes, and bandages around my chest. Tight enough to where it appears flat. I put on the males uniform, I don't know the colors because I cant see what it looks like. I do know that it is slightly form fitting though. I grab my comfortable baggy shirt and pants, for if i have to change into them for being admitted into the club. I grab my bag and carefully make my way down the stairs and to the kitchen. Its always relatively empty but since I have to keep my energy up for what I'm planning to do it has more food in it than usual. I grab an apple and what I'm pretty sure is a granola bar. I quickly eat the apple and I stow away the bar into my bag for later. For lunch I grab my store bought bento and also shove that  into my school bag. Then I make my way outside. I gently tap on the watch on my wrist and I hear the time from a robotic voice that says "7:45 A.M." Great I'm on time.

I go through the door after slipping on my shoes. I go to the side of the rode and feel along the fences there, I had taken a lot of practise walks to the school and memorized where to turn in order to get there and not get lost. As I'm walking and making the turns I start to hear more and more voices, what I'm assuming is the clubs at the school trying to promote themselves, for new members. I walk as calmly as I can and soon I can tell by the volume and shoulders bumping into me I'm also in the crowd of students. I listen for the club I want to join when I hear a loud cheerful voice yelling about the basketball club. I immediately walk towards it.

As I'm walking I bump into a wall, as I start to fall back I make a startled sound that sounded distinctly similar to a "Kya."

I realize what I bumped into was not a wall but a very tall person when a large hand settles on my shoulder and steady's me. 

"Whoa, watch it." a very deep and boyish like voice says. I can assume that It's the supposed wall I bumped into. 

"I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going, thank you for catching me..." I reply in my monotone voice. I tailed of my sentence expecting him to give me a name to call him by.

"Kagami Taiga."

"Kagami-san" i finish my sentence. "I'm Takeshi Akuma."

"No problem. Just watch where your going next time Takeshi." I almost snorted at the comment but I refrained. I think he walked away then.

I could still hear the yelling voice so I continued to make my way towards it. As the voice got closer, i could hear less and less people so I assumed that their booth was somewhere farther in the back. When I was pretty sure the voice was in front of me I spoke "Excuse me I would like to join this club, could you lead me there?" 

I heard a slightly surprised gasp as the cheerful voice stopped yelling and after a few seconds chirped a joyful "Yeah sure. Hey, Mitobe you got it here." There was no reply but the cheerful one again started talking "Great, good luck Mitobe." He grabbed my hand and started to pull me in the direction I'm thinking was their booth. "OK, I'm Koganei Shinji. Who are you?" he questioned.

I gave a small smile in his direction and said "Hello Koganei-san, I'm Takeshi Akuma."

"Well Takeshi I think your gonna love it here. The team is gonna be so happy to have some new members." He said in a proud tone. I gave him another smile, and we walked a little more in silence. After a few moments he stopped walking and pulled me in front of him. "Look, Riko I got another one." he guided me in the direction of the chair and sat me down in it.

"Yay, way to go Koganei. Now go help Mitobe, you know he cant round up anymore members than you can." I heard another voice except this time it was feminine but I could slightly decipher a commanding undertone. I heard some shuffling and I assumed that Koganei had walked back to this Mitobe person. "Hello I'm Aida Riko, here is the paper that needs filling out. Its just name, class, and reason for joining, but after school the club will be meeting in the gym."

"Thank you i'll make it there" I didn't bother telling her my name seeing as I was righting it down, I scribbled down my name and class below it was supposed to be my reason I just wrote 'I don't have a reason except that I hope it will be different here than anywhere else.'

I hoped that I wrote them somewhere close to the right spots and slid the paper back across the table. I stood up, gave a smile and said "Thank You." Then I swiftly walked away, before anymore questions could be asked. Silently enjoying my completion of the first task without too many faults.

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