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"You all probably need an explanation but.... Hi, my name is Takeshi Akuma." I looked up tilted my head to the side and gave a closed eye smile.


*~end recap~*

The group of people in font of me stood silent and I didn't know how they were taking it, so I waited. I waited for some other reaction. I stood with my head down and my eyes closed, it didn't matter that they were closed since I couldn't see at the moment anyway.

"I don't believe it." the voice I recognized as Hyuuga's interrupted my thoughts and broke the silence. "If you expect me to believe this is real..." he started to walk towards me, I didn't face him as he got closer. "I mean anybody can fake these..." Suddenly a hand like object was pressed against my boob as his sentence trailed off. "...boobs." he finished his sentence in a quiet hesitant voice. My whole body tensed up and my head snapped up, I was never groped like this before, suddenly his hand gave a squeeze and I snapped out of it.

"KYAAAA!" My hand quickly curled into a fist and snapped up and connected with his jaw. After his whole body slammed away from me I dropped to the floor to where I was sitting on my ankles and had my arms wrapped around my legs. My face felt like it was on fire and I new I was blushing in embarrassment. 

"Hyuuga~" a voice from beside me called out. I remembered Riko was beside me, her voice was sickly sweet and I knew someone was bound to get hurt.

"Riko,..." I stood up and put on a smile. "Please let me."


I walked to the group of people where I felt Hyuuga at the center. As I got closer the group parted to the side and left Hyuuga on his own, they knew better than to get in the way of an angry female. I stopped in front of him and put out my hand as i to help him up. 

He let out a surprised noise that I wasn't going to hit him and I grinned inwardly. I could practically see his hesitance to grab my hand, as he did. I pulled him up effortlessly and I stood in front of him then without a word. I dropped to the floor and kicked his legs out from under him. He landed with a loud 'THUD' and I stood. I faced down at him.

"Pervert." with that I left him on the floor and walked back to my place next to Riko. When I got there I turned back towards the others and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Riko whispered to me.

"My dad made sure I knew how to protect myself." I lied smoothly.

Truth was my dad was going to tech me when I was older, but then he died. The people that took me trained me, sure they tortured me for information I didn't have, but I knew they planned on making me the perfect soldier for them once they were through trying to squeeze information out of me. That was their mistake, they trained me before they broke me. The very skills they taught me I turned around and used them on the people there. Since I was young they thought I wasn't very stragistic, thankfully for me I was gifted with my mothers complex brain and easily escaped. Though parts of the plan didn't go how I wanted it to and I ended up escaping alone, leaving someone very precious to me.

I shook my head to rid myself of thinking of those memories and I concentrated on the situation in front of me. 

"Takeshi-san, calm down." I almost jumped in surprise when I didn't feel Kuroko walk towards me. 

"No, I will not calm down." I snapped and he took a step back. "How would you feel if you just got groped by a guy that is your teammate and now I have to live with the fact that he grabbed my boob because he thought it wasn't real!" Through my rant my voice got louder at the end. "I mean seriously its like me grabbing your dick and trying to pull it off because I don't believe you have one!" I said loudly. 

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