The Cold

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The next day I woke up with guess what a cold and a pounding headache, it was from sleeping on the chilly rooftop floor and from when Fukada accidently pushed me. I wasn't going to let that stop me so I did my usual morning routine, I grasped a thermos and filled it with hot tea. I grabbed my usual breakfast and went outside after slipping on my shoes. I walked to school slightly slower than usual. I went to class after bumping into a few things. 

Sitting in my usual seat I put my head down and tried to rest if even a little. I slept. 


I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder roughly, I planted my feet to see if I knew who it was. Kagami, I gave a low growl but apparently he didn't hear it.

"Takeshi, wake up it's lunch time. We have to meet the team on the roof again." he said letting go of my shoulder. 

I grumbled some profanities, then sluggishly got out of my chair. We left and went in the direction of the stairs. I walked with my head down, just following Kagami's footsteps still feeling the effects of the cold.

"Hey Takeshi you feeling okay?" Kagami said.

"Hmm, oh ya. Just tired." I answered. 

He left it at that and we continued walking in silence. Soon we were on the roof, and Riko was talking about some task that we had to do. The freshman had to get some weird special sandwiches that only sold on certain days from the cafeteria. Thats pretty much all she said before everything got muffled. All the freshman left, so I followed them. 

5 minutes later we were at the cafeteria I walked through the mob that had violet tremors coming from. In the middle was an area with less vibrations so I assumed that was the counter. I grabbed the thing that was on the counter and dug out some yen from my pocket to leave it on the counter. Then I turned back around and went back the way I came.  I walked past everyone and went back to the roof carrying my sandwich. When I got there Riko said, "Ah, Takeshi your back already where are the others?"

"I was the only one to get one so far, i'm assuming their getting the rest of the dam sandwiches." I said in a angry tone. This tends to happen a lot when i'm sick, I forget to control my mouth.

I walked to where their voices came from and sat down leaning against the wall. There was a series of gasps, and then the rest I didn't bother listening to. Though I did get you may eat it, so I did. I took a bite of the sandwich and I was incredibly surprised. It was probably the best sandwich I had ever tasted. I gobbled down the rest as I heard some chuckling from my senpai's next to me.

After I was done we all waited for the rest of the freshmen to come back up, and by the time they did my head was pounding and I felt as if I walked into a raging fire. Every time I actually tried to listen a sharp pain ripped through my head, so I stopped trying to listen. When lunch was over I roboticly walked back to class, I collapsed into my desk and immediately fell asleep once again.


The next time I woke up it was to the final bell. It made me jump out of sleep and I listened for other movement in the room. There wasn't any, I assumed they all left so I made my way to the bathroom, I changed and went to the gym. The rest of the team was already practising so I picked up a ball and went to the court to practise shots. I felt where the hoop was and I made all perfect shots, as I kept shooting the noise behind me dwindled and my senses grew less and less. Soon there was no noise and my sense of feel shut off. I remember my name being called and I fell my head hitting the floor once again.

*~Riko POV~* (I know surprising right)

It was after school and all the club members were in the gym, except one. Takeshi Akuma, that girl still is a mystery though today she just seemed off. I thought of the scars on her back and how she said 'They' took her sight. Who was they and why would they-

My thoughts were cut off as the door to the gym opened again, Takeshi walked though the door looking like she got run over by a truck. She picked up a ball and went to the court, she shot from a seemingly random spot on the court. From the half way point, suprisingly she made every shot. I noticed as she progressed her movements got slower and slower, though still her form didn't stop being the most beautiful I had ever seen. I kept watching and I heard the sound of the boys practising get progressively smaller. I glanced behind me and saw every single one of them watching Takeshi in awe and surprised looks on their faces. I turned back to Takeshi and carefully examined her every move, she caught the ball and went to shoot again. She jumped but then stopped moving, I called her name and started running toward her before it had already happened. 

Takeshi's head cracked against the floor, and she laid motionless. I grew frantic and when I got to her I touched her head to lift it but pulled my hands away immediately, she felt like a human furnace. I wondered how she got through the day like this, let alone started practising. Then I remembered we left her on the roof the whole day yesterday, she must have got a really bad cold. I instantly felt bad, and ordered one of the guys to pick her up and bring her to the locker room. Hyuga stepped forward and wrapped his arms gently around her. I lead the way and walked into the room, none of the other members followed us and I sighed in relief. Hyuga laid her on one of the benches in the room. I decided to let him help, though that would mean letting him know of Takeshi pretending to be a guy. 

I sucked in a deep breath and turned to Hyuga "Hyuga i'm about to tell you something the rest of the team cant know." I looked at his confused face, but he nodded anyway. I turned to Takeshi and grasped the hem of her shirt. "Takeshi isnt who you think he is." I pulled the shirt gently off her, and a gasp came from behind me. "Takeshi is a girl." 

Hyuga continued to stair with wide eyes, "Riko why didn't you tell us?!"

"She didn't want you guys to know, she said she would tell you eventually. I didn't want to push her for other reasons. Now Hyuga I need you to keep this a secret and for you to go get my medical bag it's in the duffel by the bench, oh and get plenty of ice." I ordered. I went back to checking her head as he walked out of the room to get the supplies. I felt around the back of her head and was glad to find only a bump. A few minutes later Hyuga came back in arms loaded with ice and a first aid kit in one hand. I grabbed towels and wrapped up some ice in it, making multiple and putting them around her to get her to cool down. I took the first aid kit and fished out a thermometer. I tried it on her and she had a temperature of 40'C. I continued this cooling her down checking thermometer, until it was relatively normal. I stayed with her and told Hyuga to go and reassure the team Takeshi was OK. I heard practising then suddenly a lot of ruckus that sounded like screaming fangirls.

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